January 20th, 2016 was a monumental day for the college-age population. This year, Disney Channel celebrated the 10th anniversary of the premiere of the classic movie "High School Musical." As we revisited one of our favorite movies from childhood, we all had thousands of thoughts running around our mind, but here are 60 of them. f
1. Still waiting to meet a cute guy at New Years to sing karaoke with that isn't just trying to hookup.
2. *Sees Zach* *nearly faints*
3. What are they wearing? Is this why my fashion sense was terrible in middle school?
4. Mildly impressed that I still remember every. Single. Word.
5. Gabriella sounds so adorable talking about church choir.
6. Troy, kiss her! This is Disney! If you learned anything from Cinderella you're supposed to fall in love and marry on the first date!
7. Oh my God, flip phones.
8. Oh, wow, people actually dressed up for class back then. Times have changed.
9. *Hears beat to Get Your Head In the Game* YAAAAAAAS
10. We could totally use this choreography for a step routine!
11. Chad, we get it, you play basketball. You don't have to carry one everywhere you go
12. Wait, Ashley Tisdale is married now...I don't know if I should be sad because my childhood is over or happy for her.
13. The Internet has come a long way since "Search the Internet."
14. Hardcore missing old Disney.
15. So should have made my senior quote "I come with my own background music."
16. Let's be honest, if I tried out for the musical I'd be the guy who wrote the lyrics to the song on his hand
17. Everything Sharpay wears looks like something I would have bought from Justice in fourth grade.
18. *questions Ryan's sexuality*
19. What even are jazz squares?
20. Wait, hats are allowed at this school? What dress code are they following?
21. How do Troy and Gabriella already know all the words to "What I've Been Looking For"?
22. So many feels....
23. Could also use "Stick to the Status Quo" choreography for some philanthropy event.
24. Wow, these are some crappy friends for telling them not to follow their dreams.
25. Props to Sharpay for changing up the outfits every scene. I'm lucky if I change out of my sweatpants from the day before.
26. HSM is probably how Greek Sing started.
27. Slowly realizing the "skater dudes" are pot heads.
28. How adorable are they on the rooftop.
29 *remembers rooftop scene in the third movie* *sheds tear*
30. Feels.
31. Thank God, Zach hit puberty
32. Hit him like a truck TBH.
33. It's OK, Gabriella! My heart is in pieces, too!
34. What high school has the budget to have a wall-sized poster of their basketball team?
35. Oh no, it's fine that Zach isn't there I'm not mad at all.
36. Nope, it's not OK, Zach. Once a Wildcat always a Wildcat huh?
37. Can we talk about how perfect Vanessa is now....
38. How do I even begin to describe Vanessa Hudgens?
39. Vanessa Hudgens is flawless.
40. I heard Vanessa Hudgens does car commercials in Japan.
41. I heard Vanessa Hudgens' hair is insured for $10,000.
42. I just love Zach, no shame.
43. Troy is being the perfect boyfriend to Gabrielle and they aren't even dating!
44. He came to her house and is singing to her. That's commitment, guys. Better step up your game, real quick!
45. Is that a Juicy tracksuit?
46. How is Vanessa a pretty crier?
47. Realizing HSM started every Prom-Postal.
48. Is it creepy to say that seeing baby Zach shirtless is still attractive?
49. *questions Ryan's sexuality again*
50. Realizing this was never the actual play and just a call back.
51. Strength to believe, we're breaking free.
52. Feels, feels, feels.
53. No, I'm not crying right now.
54. D8, D8, D8.
55. This game is lit.
56. Chad way to be a cock-block.
57. Kelsey Shoulders, where is your decency???
58. *Still remembers all the moves*
59. No! How is it over?? My childhood feels like it has been ripped from my grasps!
60. These are not tears! I just have allergies...I promise!