Now that sweet summertime has arrived, it's certainly a relaxing prospect to spend the days watching Netflix and sleeping in way too late. Although you may not have thought about it yet, these three months always seem to soar by way too fast each year. Whether you spend your days relaxing away or working a summer job, we all feel some sense of regret at the end of the summer about things we meant to do, but never set aside the time for. Making time for these simple things listed below will ensure a more enjoyable and fulfilling summer break.
1. Time for hobbies
With all of your time previously taken up by class times, meetings and homework, it’s certainly time for some "me time". Make sure you make time this summer for things you enjoy the most, while you have the time to do them.
2. Family time
Being away from home at college can make anyone homesick from time to time. Although you may be missing your friends and college now, you may be missing your family and hometown soon enough. Spend some quality time this summer with your family. Put away your phone and have a truly engaging and memorable time together and you will thank yourself later.
3. Time for friends
Whether you are spending your summer break in your hometown or not, it's important to make time to catch up with friends you couldn't spend time with during the school year. Like family, you'll be missing these friends once summer break ends and have that awful regret that we all want to avoid.
4. Time for a good book
For many, reading isn't exactly considered a hobby or addiction-- however, you should make time to read at least one good book this summer. Reading a good book that sincerely captures your attention can be a highly relaxing and enjoyable experience.
5. Vacation time
Making time for a vacation doesn't have to be an expensive getaway for two weeks, but it can merely be an hour road trip to a popular shopping center or attraction. Regardless of where you go on a vacation, make time for one this summer. Allow yourself time away from your house or summer job to explore new places and try new things. Don't let your summer become just as monotonous as school became at some times.
6. Time to be outdoors
Set aside time this summer to be outdoors. Don't spend the majority of your days sitting inside, staring at a screen. Whether it is playing sports, tanning, swimming or just sitting on your porch, finding time to be outdoors is always a refreshing and pleasurable occasion.