Having naturally curly hair is a blessing and a curse. I love my curls, but it comes with some difficulties. I often hear people say that they are envious of my hair, but having curly hair takes a lot of patience. Beyond that, it is being able to accept that my hair will NOT look great everyday. Often I wake up, look at my hair, and contemplate shaving my head. Here is a list of my top six grievances when it comes to my curly hair.
1. Humidity
Iowa is a muggy place in the summer. The humidity makes the curls become uncontrollable. In the summer months my hair gains so much volume and frizz that it doubles in size. I take a step outside and I can feel my hair getting bigger and bigger until I'm sure it looks like a bird decided to make a nest in there. No amount of product can tame the beast.
2. Brushing
I don't remember the last time I brushed my hair. Brushing it makes it angry. I've learned to accept that it's going to look like I just woke up. I've often been told by my friends with straight hair that if I brush it, it will look better. This is wrong. I appreciate the concern, but it will look like I just walked through a forest.
3. Straightening
I own a hair straightener, but it's collecting dust. To straighten my hair it would take three hours, an incredible amount of hairspray, and an unbridled determination. After my three hours of work, it will only stay straight for maybe an hour before it begins to get wavy and frizzy again. However, there is a plus side to straightening it! The next day my curls will look better than ever, for reasons unknown.
4. Hats
My collection of hats is quite extensive, one. Curly hair is usually poofy. A hat can contain the volume that I have been given. If by some miracle it can, it will look like a clown hat with the hair sticking out underneath it. BUT, there are hats out there that will work, it just takes years to find the right one.
5. Showers
6. Cutting It
Hair is usually cut wet. For me that means my hair gets longer than when it is dry because the curls are straight. I've had beauticians forget that it's curly and cut it EXTREMELY short. When it dried it got shorter. I looked like a clown for a few weeks due to the cut and humidity. However, I will admit that it was nice for the summer.
As difficult as my curls can be, I wouldn't trade them. (I honestly don't think that I could handle having to do my hair everyday.) They've helped define me. My curls are fantastic.