By now you have probably already gotten annoyed by all the political talk in preparation for the 2016 election. I know, I know, why should you care? They are all the same. You are probably either laughing at the Republicans for having so many candidates running in the primaries, or you are laughing at the democrats for only having Hillary as a runner.
Wait...that's not correct is it?
No. It isn't. Unless you are a big fan of politics you probably haven't heard much about Bernie Sanders. A fact that makes me ashamed of the culture we live in now.
Mr. Sanders is probably the most honest politician we have ever had. When you think of this nation and what you think is about how it is corrupt and there is nothing you can do, you are lying to yourself. It is with strong people like Sanders that can actually create the change that the people want to see.
You are kidding yourself if you think that you have no impact on this world.
You need to vote.
And this is why I am voting for Sanders.
Now before I get into my 6 points I want to address something I know people don't understand. Sanders is a democratic socialist. This is how many foreign countries, such as Denmark, are run. Do not hear the term socialist and start running for the hills. Unless of course you are against things such as: Free health care, free tuition, and free day care. If you are against those things and more, like letting parents have paid leave after having a child (mother and father, for more than just a couple weeks) then go run far, far away from me.
1) His campaign is funded by people. Not corporations.
2) He is not afraid to call out other people on important matters.
3) He knows the current issues and he fights for equality for everyone. Fun fact: He Marched in Washington D.C. and heard Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. give his I Have a Dream speech live.
4) He understands the issues with our incarceration rates and wants to move away from how we currently handle things. he wants to use our money to help educate our people, not lock them up.
5) He gets it. He understand the basic, fundamental rights of women, and all people. He always has.
6) Lastly, he knows how important it is for people to get out and vote. We are the future of our own country, we should not allow our futures to be bought by those with more money than us.
Still not convinced? Click here to watch a short video.
No matter what your political, religious, personal beliefs are, get educated about who is running. Take the test to find out who you side with here.
Just remember to vote. It is a right you have that should not be taken for granted.