6 Lessons On How To Love Yourself
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6 Lessons On How To Love Yourself

If you want to SOAR in life, you must first learn to F.L.Y. (First Love Yourself)

6 Lessons On How To Love Yourself
Samantha Crance

"I want to love myself more than anything." Good. Because you should.

It's 2017 and people of all ages are still out there not loving who they are inside and out. Loving yourself isn't something you just wake up and tell yourself. You can— but I think loving one's self goes much, much deeper than that.

So.. what does it mean exactly? Well, in simplest terms, it is the art of being comfortable with yourself in your well-being, to accept things you cannot change, and to love who you are as a human being. Some may think to themselves, how could one not love themselves? It's who you are!! And as I am writing this, I'm getting so excited but I know deep down it is not that easy. So here is my guide to loving yourself, including some of the things that I have done in 2017 to finally love myself.

1. Let go of what hurt you.

When it comes to a bad break-up, a backstabber of a friend, or an unthinkable betrayal of a family member— let go. When things like this happen, let them carry out and stick up for what is right. Don't let it linger in your brain for weeks or even months at a time. This doesn't mean to just stop caring. Don't let someone's words be tattooed on your skin or a memory be sewn into your clothing for the world to see. Let it go because you are better than those words. You mean so much more than they define. When it comes to loving yourself, it isn't about being conceited or thinking you're better than everyone. It's understanding that you are a worthy human being. It is the acceptance that you have strengths, weaknesses, flaws and that you can improve yourself because you have many wonderful years of life to live and learn.

2. Do things for yourself.

Your school is hosting a trip to Europe over spring break. You know how you've always wanted to go? Go.
Have you been unhappy with yourself in pictures or can't fit into your favorite jeans and would like to lose a couple of pounds? Do it.
You're 45 years old and always wanted to have your MBA and run a business? Go back to school, get that MBA, and run that business so well that Steve Jobs applauds you from heaven.
You feel like you're in need of an image change and want to cut all your hair off or change it's color? Why the freak not?! Because who has the right to say you don't look awesome? Nobody but you! Because guess what? Hair grows back and you can change the color again. All that matters is that you're happy in the end. To be happy, to feel great, and to love who you are.

3. Don't sweat the small stuff.

This is a big one for all my anxiety-ridden readers out there. This is something I have personally dealt with and still deal with today. Bad things happen in our day-to-day lives. Most of the time, they are things out of our control. Flat tires, getting a bad grade on a test, losing your cell phone, accidentally eating moldy jelly (don't laugh, my mom actually did this once), running out of gas, a flood or leak in your house, spilling coffee on your favorite sweater—the list could go on and on and on. However, the anxiety and negative energy from these bad events does not have to go on and on. I have had terrible anxiety attacks from what seems so ridiculous now because in that moment, it felt like the end of the world. So just remember that these little bumps in the road are just small black clouds on your sunny day. Life will get back on track soon enough. (Also, being sad and being angry gives you wrinkles... so think about your face!)

4. You are the most important person in your world.

I know this sounds selfish. It sounds like you come before anyone else, but that's not what is completely meant by this statement. You need to make yourself a priority and make sure you are in 100% mint condition at all times. If you're not, then you need to fix whatever is making you be less than your best. I've come to realize that it can be difficult to help others and give the shirt off your back to just anyone in need. By making yourself a priority, you become the best you've ever been and can be ready for anything negative that comes your way. When your put yourself first and make yourself the most important person in your world, you will notice a lot of small changes that can improve the real world in more ways than none.

5. Grasp and understand your dark side.

Nobody is perfect. We all have our flaws. Whether we're selfish, manipulative, a compulsive liar, a rumor spreader, a backstabber. Whatever it may be: Embrace it. Understand it. But most importantly, grasp it. How can you say you love yourself when you don't love every inch of yourself inside and out? Understanding your dark side and taking control of it can help you love yourself in a deeper way. These flaws are what make you perfect. Understanding them can help you become a better person for the community of people around you. So the next time you realize your patience is running thin, take a deep breath and think about the situation from both sides. The next time your depressing thoughts are taking control of your mind, write them out and burn them. Do some breathing exercises. Take your imperfections by the throat and show them that you're not afraid of them. Be proud of them and all that they create: you.

6. Forgive yourself.

To reiterate #5, nobody is perfect. Along with our flaws, we make mistakes. Some small, some huge, some so detrimental that they stay with us forever. But the greatest thing is that if you don't believe in the power of God, you can always forgive yourself. Making mistakes is the easiest failure of human life but they hold the biggest of lessons. The greatest thing is that you can learn from them. When I was in middle school, there was a quote that hung above the chalkboard that I forced myself to memorize. I read it again and again and again. It read, "If at first you don't succeed, try again." You may have only one life to live but it didn't come with instructions. With that said, make your mistakes, forgive yourself, and try again. Forgiving yourself shows that you understand what was done wrong, and that you care and trust yourself enough to try again and become better.

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