50 Things Camp Counselors Need To Know | The Odyssey Online
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50 Things Camp Counselors Need To Know


The scent of sunscreen fills the air, a symphony of people slapping mosquitos away surrounds you, through your sunglasses you can see 100 children running around like chickens with their heads cut off, you take a sip of your cold pop (something the kids can’t have) and watch. You’re a camp counselor.Like many Greeks, I spend most of my summers at camp. My love affair with camp counseling started in the seventh grade, when I was given a herd of six year-olds to look after for the week. They ran on the walls. Literally. As much as I loved my kiddos, counseling is hard, hard work and I could have used a few tips to help me manage my bunch of rugrats. Whether you’re a seasoned counselor or this summer will be your first time, it’s important to keep a few things in mind:

1. "Go in with the right mind set. The goal is to make students feel welcomed and to have a great time!” Whitney Wilkinson, Tri Delta

2. Bring hand sanitizer.

3. Always know at least three games that can be played at any time without any supplies; it will save you at some point during a session.

4. Never sacrifice progress for process. If a student takes the opportunity to open up, let them. You can catch up on the rest of your lesson later.

5. Take a buddy.

6. If you bring expensive sunglasses, you will lose them. Bring a couple cheapies from Walmart.

7. Turn negatives into positives: instead of saying “don’t run” or “stop talking” say “please, walk” and “listen, while I’m speaking."

8. Break through moments happen when you least expect it. Don’t get discouraged.

9. The goofier the game, the better it is to watch.

10. If you wear every friendship bracelet you’re given, you’re going to have a weird tan line. Do it anyways.

11. When you’re given the opportunity to sleep, sleep.

12. On that note, sometimes you can sacrifice a shower to get 10 more minutes of sleep. Hey, it’s camp.

13. If you hear campers bullying, even if they’re not your own, intervene.

14. No makeup equals no problems.

15. Bring sandals to wear in the showers.

16. If you’re not cheesing during camp songs, you’re not doing it right.

17. “Don't be surprised if the kids change your life more than you change theirs.” Kristal Williams, Chi-O.

18. Never be alone with a camper. Even if nothing bad happens, it makes you vulnerable to a lot of risks.

19. Chacos tan line? You mean, badge of honor.

20. Learn the other counselors’ real names. You can’t find them on Facebook using their camp names.

21. You’re going to have to be the hero who kills spiders, scorpions and other creepy crawlies. Just accept this fact, now.

22. Know some name games. Whether you hate them or love them, you’re going to need them.

23. Love your campers with all your heart—they might not get as much love as they deserve at home.

24. Make your campers drink water every time they are near water.

25. Pack extra socks.

26. Oh, you lost your voice from cheering during field days? Congrats, your campers love you.

27. Keep the lint from your laundry to use to start a fire, it helps speed up the process.

28. Don’t be afraid to be goofy! In fact, the goofier you are, the more your campers love you.

29. Know when to take things seriously. The ropes course is not the time to fool around.

30. Camp is for the campers—don’t ever make it about you.

31. Always, always have a bottle of water on you. If you don’t need it, then one of your campers certainly will.

32. Camp friendships are so special—deep, yet fleeting. Cherish them.

33. Always follow through on what you say you’ll do. Your campers will lose trust in you if you keep making promises you can’t keep.

34. Teach your campers cheers early, when field day comes around you’ll be thankful that you did.

35. You’re making about a dollar an hour. So what? You’re getting paid in memories and experiences. Don’t ever forget that.

36. Ninety percent of injuries can be taken care of with an ice pack, a band aid and some water.

37. During that other 10 percent, the nurse just became your new best friend.

38. Come up with some fun new versions of “Boom Chicka Boom.” I guarantee you’ll sing it.

39. "Soak up every moment with a camper because you never know the impact that they will have on you and vice versa." Annie Jo Gilbert, Phi Mu

40. On that note, try to spend your counselor breaks playing with the campers. They notice which counselors choose to be their friend.

41. First rule: don’t die.

42. Give your camp’s address to friends and family, you’ll be craving contact from the real world.

43. Make your campers wear sunscreen—the spray kind is easiest for quick application.

44. Wear sunscreen, too.

45. If you don’t own something that’s tie dyed, can you even call yourself a real camp counselor?

46. Sometimes, you’re going to try to convince yourself that swimming in the river counts as a shower. It doesn't.

You’re going to miss camp once you get back home, but don’t worry, it’ll be there for you next summer.

48. Catch up on the news when you get home. You probably missed something important in the last couple of months (weeks, days).

49. “Be real with your students, take the time to learn their story and invest in them. You will be surprised how incredible your students are when you get to know their story! Most importantly, have fun! While being a camp counselor you receive the chance to empower someone to change the world. Seize the moment," Chance Imhoff, SAE

50. Wake up every morning and be thankful. You have the best job in the world. 

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2. "Do you want to try ordering Chinese takeout to take back to the stacks?"

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10. "I wonder if I could sneak a beer in here."

11. "I just really want chocolate chip cookies."

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