Everyone has a specific part to play in their squad. Some people just don't have a squad so they don't know their part yet. Here are the five types of friends that you need in your squad for those people who are looking to outdo T-Swift's squad.
1. The Player
The player is the bravest of the group and will to talk to any girl or guy. The player would persuade anyone to do anything.
2. The Comedian
Comedy is a great way to meet people and a great convo starter. If you're feeling sad or mad a lot, then you must have a comedian in your squad. Be careful because the comedian might throw some jokes at you.
3. The Pretty Boy/Girl
The pretty boy is the one that attracts the people. It makes people want to talk to you and your friends. You could probably be the pretty one out of the group, but you always to be on your A game. Being the pretty also comes with hate from other people outside the squad.
4. The Mr. Anti-Social/Asshole
Every squad has that person that one person who's quiet, but if you try to talk to them they snap on you for no reason. The one who keeps their headphones on when the squad is having a convo, and the one who would say something mean to any person. These type of friends are good for a squad because it kind of keeps the whole squad in order. Also some girls and guys like the quiet asshole type.
5. The Dancer
The dancer is the one who people love talking to besides the pretty one. They're the one who will randomly start dancing to any song when it comes on, and the one who's not afraid to dance with someone at a party or club. Dancing brings the best out of people and helps show their true colors. You will never have a true squad unless one of your friends can dance.
These five types of friends bring together an exciting group that people would love to talk to and hang with. Take a look at your friends — do you have a squad that could take on TSwift and her squad?
Squads assemble.