Five Tips For Surviving Tech Week | The Odyssey Online
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Five Tips For Surviving Tech Week

Don't die unless it's written in the script

Five Tips For Surviving Tech Week
Goodman Theatre

Tech week (aka "Hell week") is the two-word phrase that strikes fear into the hearts of millions of theatre kids everywhere. It’s that time of the rehearsal process when everything is being put together to create the big and fantastic show that everyone is looking forward to seeing. For those who don’t know, tech week is when the cast is costumed and placed on the stage with lights, mics, and all the other small details that help tell the story.

You, however, as the crew member or actor, must be able to survive it first. Here are five small tips to surviving tech week.

1. Know What You Are Doing

After weeks of rehearsals or spending time in the scenic or costume shops, you are finally ready put everything together. Just remember that you can do this! Make sure you review your notes from your managers, run lines and choreography. If you are on the tech side of things, double check your prop and costume pieces or make sure the stage is swept. You would not have been placed in that position if the director didn’t think you could. You’ve made it this far and it’s almost time to put on the show!

2. Take Care of Your Body

Regardless of your role in the show, your body is important. Tech week usually involves late nights and long days, so make sure you attempt to get rest. You also want to make sure that you eat. Your body needs fuel in order

to do the job it needs to. If you have time, maybe go for a jog or a walk. Get your blood pumping! Also don’t forget to HYDRATE, HYDRATE, HYDRATE!! You may need caffeine (I know I do....or else…), but water is going to work just as many miracles for you.

3. Listen and Pay Attention

During tech week, there is often stopping and starting of scenes. Make sure that you are paying attention and listening for your cues. You don’t want to miss an important scene because you didn’t pay attention. Make sure that you are also listening for your own safety as well.

4. Be Patient

Often tech week creates high tension within the company. People are quick to snap on one another, which only slows things down. Approach things with love and kindness, and remember that everyone deserves these two things even when they aren’t giving them. Support and encourage one another as much as you can.

5. Have Fun!!

Though it’s a long and rough week, it’ll all pay off soon. After opening night, it’ll fall into place and before you know it it’ll be over. Enjoy the show while you can before it's all over after strike.

Tech week only comes once in a show’s lifetime. Remember to stay positive and have good energy. Be kind, loving, healthy, and give it everything that you’ve got.

Break a leg!

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