As a senior approaching her final semester of college, there are definitely a lot of things on my mind. College has been a pretty epic experience that will always remain in me in the form of memories. However, question is, are we ready for the next chapter?
1. Did 4 Years Really Go By That Fast?
It only feels like yesterday that I was signing up for classes to start my first semester of college. I was so nervous, I had no idea what to expect when I came to my first class. I am really shy when I first meet people, which can make it kind of tough. What I soon realized however is that in college, people have a strong desire to make bonds. In every class I sat in, I got to know the people sitting next to me and vise versa. It’s been a hell of an experience, but I am so ready for the next step in my life.
2. Did I Get the Full College Experience?
For students such as myself, it’s tough to get the text book version of the “college experience.” I spent most of the past four years working full time to support myself through school. Unfortunately, that left very little free time in the ways of joining clubs or going out as much as my friends. Luckily, I have some of the best friends and they made sure to pull me out of bed during more than one occasion to make sure I could clock in at least a little time for fun.
3. Am I Prepared?
I don’t know about other seniors but I am definitely nervous about whether or not I’m going to have more obstacles in my way before graduation. There are a lot of requirements that one needs to be aware of before deciding that they are ready to make that big event happen. This summer has been filled with me making sure I’m prepared. For example, I took Finance (my last math class, yay!) during the Summer 1 semester, I did the 10 weeks of my business internship, applied for graduation and worked full time. So, it’s safe to say: I’m definitely going to be fitting in the beach a few times the last week before school starts!
4. Will I Find a Job?
This is a thought that frequently crosses my mind when I think about graduation. I know some of the smartest and most deserving people that are still struggling on that front, and that’s a scary thought. Having your internship behind you is something that is definitely going to help you feel more secure in your job search. The reason why is because an internship is an actual real life experience you will be able to apply to your career, whereas sitting in a classroom you’re only getting half that experience. For now I’m just trying to focus all of my energy in school, applying for jobs and keeping my LinkedIn account looking good!
5. The Next Chapter
I will always think back to my time in school and miss it as well as wonder if I took advantage of the time I spent there. More than that, however, the biggest thing on my mind and on this list for me is simply: excitement. Excitement for the next chapter and with it what the future will bring.
I’m wishing all the best to all the seniors getting ready for graduation and those to come in the future. I hope the next chapter will be even better than the past four years worth of chapters we spent together at Salisbury University.