1. You’re not going to be the same weight you were in high school.
Whether you gain it or lose it there is a huge chance you won’t look the same way you did Senior Year. Either you hit Jack N’ The Box too many times late at night for a Munchie Box, or you forget to eat for days. Both ways you look hot, so own it.
2. As much as you say you won’t miss your parents… you will.
You were probably an over achiever in high school and had straight A’s across your report card. College will most likely be the complete opposite unless you’re someone like Jimmy Neutron. It’s okay to change that class to Pass or No Pass, or not get the grade you want. They say Cs get degrees, right?
3. You’re not going to have a 4.0 GPA and that’s okay.
You were probably an over achiever in high school, and had straight A’s across your report card . Although college will most likely be the complete opposite unless you’re someone like Jimmy Neutron. It’s okay to change that class to Pass or No Pass, or not get the grade you want. They say C’s get Degrees, right?
4. You might lose your high school friends.
Your college years are where you find yourself, your true self. You no longer have your families’ constant opinions, or constant guidance. You make your own decisions, and form your own opinions based on just your own knowledge. You no longer think the same way high school you did, so maybe those friends you swore you never would lose touch with, have lost their spot to your new college friends.
5. It’s okay to not know what you are doing with your life.