Five Things To Remember Before Prom | The Odyssey Online
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Five Things To Remember Before Prom

Number five is the most important.

Five Things To Remember Before Prom
Faith Larsen

It's the end of your senior, maybe even junior year of high school, and there are loads of exciting things happening. Spring weather is approaching (ever so slowly), class trips are right around the corner, final exams are being finished, college acceptance letters are flowing in, new job opportunities are rising and there's one last thing: prom.

Here are some things to keep in mind for that big day.

1. Date or not, you should still go!

A lot of people do not attend their prom, simply because they might not have a date. While it may be a bummer to see all the couples, you can still have fun, especially with your friends! Don't let not having a date stop you from having a great time. Your ability to have fun doesn't depend on whether or not you have a date. Make the most of it!

2. Thank the people who planned it.

A common fault that I frequently realized in high school was that appreciation was rarely ever shown to the people who deserved it the most. Thank your class advisors. Thank your class president and class council because they were the ones to plan out all of the details: the venue, the DJ, the photographer, the food, etc. They were also on top of fundraising, so the prom bids would be affordable!

3. It's okay if your hair doesn't come out looking absolutely perfect.

The same goes for your makeup. What matters is that you have fun with your class. Sure, your appearance is one of the big things for prom but only to an extent. Don't let it ruin your night if you don't look exactly like the model you saw in a magazine or online. You'll look fantastic no matter what!

4. Let your family take as many pictures as they want.

Yes, it can become irritating when you're stuck smiling for so long that you can no longer feel your cheeks, but suck it up! Your family is very proud of you, and they want to remember the day for the rest of their lives. Smiling for a couple (hundred) pictures couldn't hurt. Besides, you'll be grateful when you're older and wanting to remember the night yourself.

5. You do not have to do anything you do not want to.

After-prom is most definitely an important part of prom festivities nowadays. That's okay as long as you are being mindful, respectful and staying safe.

It's unfortunately very common to hear about a drunken after-prom night that resulted in many unintended consequences. Car accidents, too much alcohol and drug use are just scraping the surface. Be aware of your surroundings if you visit a popular after-prom location, so you can be as protected as possible. Don't let your amazing time at prom be tainted by a potentially dangerous night.

If you are staying in a hotel with your friends, be aware of being respectful of others. Don't be unreasonably loud or destroy property that isn't yours. You'll regret it when you have to pay the fine eventually.

Another very common activity on prom night is "after-prom sex." Sadly, this deed is not always consensual. This is to anybody who may be feeling worried about this specific occurrence: You do not have to do what anyone may expect of you. You are your own person, and you have a voice. Being somebody's prom date doesn't entitle either one of you to anything. The rule is simple: "No means no."

All that being said, prom night is about having an awesome time. Take it from someone who attended both of their proms; I often find myself wishing I could revisit those nights. Focus on good vibes, and everything will go well!

I wish you all a safe and enjoyable prom night!

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