If you love to read, chances are you have a favorite novel. Maybe it made you laugh hysterically when you needed it the most, or it allowed you to escape from your life for a little while. Maybe it spoke to you on some higher level, changed your life or was just the most well-written book you've ever read. Regardless, it changed you in a big way that made you think about it. It sounds ridiculous, that someone else's words could reach you on some greater level than just words on a page, alas they have. You can tell a lot about a person by their favorite novel. So here are a few things that happen when you have a favorite novel!
1. You learn something.
Your favorite novel will teach you something. It could be something as small as a few new words that you can use to spice up your own writing, or a life lesson (like the power of forgiveness from "The Sunflower" by Simon Wiesenthal). Maybe you'll learn how to solve a problem you didn't even fully know you were facing or learn about yourself. Regardless, your favorite novel teaches you something.
2. You talk about it, all the time.
Which is amazing! It's always great to share your favorite novel with people and discuss their reactions to it. You have such a deep care for your favorite novel that you just start recommending it to everyone, in the hopes that they too, will be sent on the amazing journey that you were while reading it.
3. You will always revisit the novel.
Like an old friend, your favorite novel will come back to your life as often as you allow it. Maybe you're bored on a day off and decide to start reading it again (for the 10th time), or you just need something familiar to orient yourself with after a long week. And every time you read it, you'll find something new about it that makes you realize why it's your favorite all over again.
4. Quoting.
You quote your favorite novel all the time. When thinking up a Facebook status to doling out advice to your friends, you'll use this novel as a point of reference (as long as it applies). You'll find a reason to use quotes out of it and chances are, if you've read it enough, you don't even need to refer back to the book to pull quotes out. They'll just pop right out of your head!
5. No other novel will ever be as great as this one.
Even when you get older and continue expanding your library, your favorite book will always be like coming home after a long vacation.