After finishing my first semester at Central Baptist College I am able to see the things that I have learned that have helped mold me into the person I am right now. These things have taught me, challenged me, and have opened my heart.
1. I have learned that money doesn't need to be spent just because I have it. As soon as that refund check came in, I felt like I was so rich, which meant I could spend it on what ever I wanted. Most of the time that meant clothes, food, gas(which honestly all I did was drive around with nothing to do) but I learned that there will come a time when I will actually need this money and for me to save it and that was a huge challenge! So now I actually know that this money can be spent on reasonable things such as books, dorm supplies and more food for my dorm.
2. No matter what kind of college you go to there will be temptation to party, drink and much more and I am not going to lie, I fell into some of those, but I soon realized that I have a calling on my life and I shouldn't let something so temporary have an effect on my life! This has taught me a lot about who I am, and no, I have no problem with socializing but I will not let the other things get the best of me.
3. One thing I am very blessed to have learned is that God will place people in your life that will be there for you when the world around you seems to be crumbling, when you can't do things on your own, when you need to just go on a crazy random adventure, and when you need to have an endless talk about God. The people that God has placed in my life over this last semester include Autumn, Hunny, Shelby and Makaleigh. Each one of these girls have huge hearts for God's kingdom, his people and his love. They remind me to keep pushing no matter what is happening around me and to always have joy! Daily I yearn to be with them laughing the days away but I know when classes start back everything will be as it should be, and the squad will be together again. I am someone who can get attached to people easily but I don't trust very easily, except with them, they have taught me to open my heart and allow them to be by my side to pray through it, or just laugh through it. They remind me that God is the ultimate fixer as well as comforter. I am extremely blessed to have each one of these girls in my life!
4. One thing I would think I am pretty good with is sharing my things, but that's like if they need It for that moment, but when you are living in a space with someone everything of yours is theirs and vice versa. I loved my roommate to death, she had a heart of gold, she was funny, kind, and always made me feel like I could talk to her about anything! I had to realize it wasn't just me in our room, that I had to try and keep my side of the room cleaned, take the trash out, and keep my toothpaste out of the sink. But being able to experience this was an eye opener, because I had to think of someone other than myself and show respect for her and her friends! Sharing can be hard, but when you do it with love and respect it can all work out.
5. Finally, I learned that trusting God and his plan can be hard we all know that, but that moment when you see the outcome of it makes it all worth it. Trusting God to lead me to CBC is the best thing I have ever done, there are no words to explain or describe the amount of love I have for the campus, the people and the teaching staff there. I have learned that trusting takes courage, faith and a willing heart!
College will be the best part of your life, I now believe that statement wholeheartedly. Each one of these things whether they seem little or small everyone will learn sometime, and they will help mold you into who you will become. So just trust in God and his plan will always be the best for you!
- inhale grace, exhale praise -