As a resident of State College, Penn State envelops a significant portion of my life. Each football game, tailgate, or homecoming parade created a place for Penn State in my heart. However, given the pandemic restrictions this year, students are no longer on campus until January. In this short amount of time, I have noticed a change in State College over the holiday break.
1. State College is actually quiet.
The loud buzz of gameday no longer rings out every Saturday. The music you hear as you walk down College Avenue is simply missing. The ongoing conversations of people passing by no longer exist.
2. The students are what truly make Penn State.
Each student brings a unique character to the university. As many people travel home despite the restrictions, the town lacks the various personalities, cultures, and ideas of the students. We truly stand by the phrase, "We are!"
3. Stores downtown are nearly empty.
Walking downtown feels like walking through a ghost town. While stores used to be packed with people looking at Penn State attire, the stores are almost empty but remain with their doors open.
4. Masks are still worn.
Even though students are not on campus, people still follow the mask guidelines put in place by the university when walking near campus.
5. The pandemic has significantly altered life for people living in the area.
Everyone must look out for their families and do their best to stop the spread of COVID-19. Many parents around the area were quite concerned when their children returned, creating a slight barrier.