5 Things That Happen At The Nail Salon | The Odyssey Online
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5 Things That Happen At The Nail Salon

5 Things That Happen At The Nail Salon

Being a girl means keeping up with appearances, and part of that is the struggle of having to get your nails done. It is a pampering process, definitely, yet everyone has the same thoughts while getting all dolled up at the local salon.

1. One thing we're all familiar with is the workers' constant speaking in another language while you're getting your grown-out cuticles cut. For whatever reason, most salons have almost no native english-speaking stylists, and not knowing what they're saying makes any sane person worry about themselves. You just sit there and soak it in, hoping they're not saying anything too nasty.

2. Not to mention that because of this, whenever they ask you a question about what you want done, you just kind of look at them and smile and hope they don't give you something crazy, since you have no idea what they just said.

3. When you get passed the awkwardness, you pray to God they understood what you asked them to do so they don't make your nails too short or the wrong shape, and you just kind of watch the process nervously.

4. Then, there's the pedicure. Your first thought is, 'Crap, did I shave my legs today?!' And as the sweet lady rolls up your pant leg getting ready to pamper your calves, you remember that you look like a wildebeest and that this innocent angel has to massage your Sasquatch legs.

5. Then, if they keep your nails longer than you wanted, you're forced to work with it. You were too scared to speak up after all was said and done, and the whole time you were hoping it'd turn out right.

But when you walk out of the salon, you always wind up reacting like this...

You feel fabulous for having brand new claws to strut around town with.

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