Going to a Catholic School for about 15 years, I always wore a plaid skirt and a button down shirt, went to church every Sunday and knowing my classmates and their drama. High school did not prepare me for this. Here are the daily struggles that I have since I had started college.
1. Having uniforms and not knowing what to wear in college.
Wearing plaid since I was about 3-4 years old and not knowing what to do when I came to college in Summer B. It was weird on the first day because I was debating on whether to wear Nike shorts and a t-shirt or actually looking decent and dressing up.
2. You develop a serious shopping problem when you graduated.
I love shopping, but it has gotten worse since I started college. You never wanted to see plaids ever again so you shop for what is trending now.
3. Going to church on Sundays.
Sometime it is a struggle for me to get out of bed on Sunday morning. I just want to sleep in. It is hard because I do not have my mom or dad telling me to get up and go to church with them.
4. Not knowing anyone.
I went to school with the same 20-25 kids in my class with addition to the new kids who came in. I grew up with these kids. Being in college made me appreciate the people I knew in high school because we were close and no one left our friend group. Going to college, you meet new people every day, and you are friends with literally everyone for one day, and you get a new friend the next day.