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5 Signs You're Overworking Yourself

Everyone in college has felt a little stressed at time, but some more than others. Overworking oneself is something I realized is a lot easier to fall into than one might realize.

5 Signs You're Overworking Yourself

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I've been sick quite a bit this semester, and it was not until a few friends of mine pointed this out to me I didn't realize how much I'd been overworking myself. I realize that it's so easy to fall down that rabbithole, especially with how many expectations college and the real world places on students at younger and younger ages. From extracurriculars to research to classes to clubs and student governance, the hustle and bustle of college life can definitely take its toll on those still adjusting - and even those experienced with it. After recognizing these symptoms in myself, I want to pass them on to y'all - here are five signs you're overworking yourself in college and need a break.

1. You're sick all the time


I realized that I've been sick almost seven times this semester alone - that's not normal. If you find yourself with constant fevers, colds, sniffles, and flus, perhaps it's high time you put your books aside for a bit and just take a few naps. Stress can lower your immune system and having adequate rest is extremely important. If you're pulling all-nighters to study, perhaps rearrange your time management and focus on being able to get the rest you need.

2. You can't remember the last day you took for yourself


My friend asked me, "Eleni, do you remember the last day you took for yourself?" When I realized I could not, I resolved to ensure that I take a break this weekend. Too much breaktime can be detrimental, yes - don't sit down and watch a movie when you can be working on your paper - but when you do have time, do take the opportunity to breathe and calm your mind. For me, that means catching up on the new season of Game of Thrones. No spoilers please!

3. You're anxious when you're not working


Another friend of mine called me a workaholic. While I don't think I'm that far gone, I do know that I'm often stressed about work I could be doing when I'm not doing it. I'm weird like this when I say that I feel less stressed when studying because at least I know I'm doing the work needed to be done for the test. Sometimes it's good not to be working, and it's not fair on yourself or the people around you to be constantly stressed about work you could be doing in the meager time you've taken out for yourself. As long as you're managing deadlines, you'll be just fine!

4. Your eating habits are a mess


Has your weight been fluctuating up or down? Had sudden urges to eat fast food, or realized that you're so busy that you're not eating? None of these options are good. Yes, work is important, but make sure that you're eating properly and that you're getting the food you need. Similarly, don't constantly be eating junk food to assuage your stress cravings - the junk food will only make the stress worse!

5. You can never sleep enough and can't sleep when you need


Sleep has always been elusive for me, lacking the talent that so many others possess of falling asleep quickly. However, when you're noticing you can't sleep at all at night because of your racing heart or that you're constantly waking up feeling ill-rested, perhaps it's the stress taking the toll. Portion out the nine hours you need to sleep, and budget your time. If you sleep right, you can work even better the next day. All-nighters, no thanks!

This is a tough season right now. Finals are coming, course requests, research opportunities, housing, CIO applications and more. Take a deep breath and just a few seconds each day to make sure you're not overworking yourself. Remember, you, your health, and your sanity are of the highest importance. Take everything at a decent pace and make sure you're taking care of yourself to the best of your ability. Of course, that doesn't mean neglect your grades - just find a good balance.

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