Being in college can be a full time job in and of itself, but to work in the real world you need EXPERIENCE, EXPERIENCE, EXPERIENCE! In job interviews, the one thing that has always been consistent for me is that future employers love to ask you about previous experiences you have went through that can help in this particular job or the skills you developed. It's always nice to have experience to draw from, no matter what your previous job was!
Over the course of my three years in college, I worked at almost five different jobs. Now I don't recommend running yourself thin to accomplish working as many jobs as possible or working all those jobs at once, but with every job you add on your resume the more future employers will be impressed with you! And you just might end up impressing yourself along the way!
Here are 5 reasons why you should work multiple jobs while in college:
1. It gives you a great work ethic
And yes, working and going to college at the same time can be very tiring...but it's worth the effort! Especially when you land your dream job.
2. You will learn random skills that will surprisingly help you out in the future
When I was a lifeguard, not only was I saving lives but I was also learning customer service, gaining babysitting experience (parents love it when you are CPR certified), and how to work with co-workers as a team (teamwork is EVERYTHING these days).
3. You develop confidence
When you develop different skills, you start feeling more confident in yourself to strive for more and keep learning. By the time you are interviewing for a job after graduation, you will be prepared to ace those interviews!
4. You learn how to manage your time more effectively
Time management isn't the easiest thing in the world. Heck, I am still working on that part myself! But when you go to school full time, work a part-time job and also have an internship, your calendar becomes your friend and suddenly you don't have as much of a problem!
5. You learn how to deal with other people (especially co-workers)
It's not always fun dealing with people you don't like or don't get along with, but it's something you got to do. It doesn't matter if they are a co-worker or a customer, just smile and remember that we are all different and that's what makes the world go round!
I know working and already going to college is enough in itself, but changing it up even if it's just for the summer, really helps you get out of your comfort zone and learn more. You could make new friends or even new connections that could potentially help you land another job later on! Different jobs will teach you different things, but you will always be able to carry those experiences with you, because you never know when those skills or experiences might come in handy!