Veganism is the exclusion of all animal products from your diet and lifestyle. That means you don't feel the need to eat meat, fish, dairy or eggs and you use cruelty-free products (products that exclude animal products and animal testing). Almost five years ago, I chose to go vegan. While I began my "experiment" with the intention of trying it for a month, I haven't turned back. Here are five reasons why:
1. The food is freakin' great. That should be enough of a reason.
On top of that pizza is mac n' cheese. No cow required. Technology is amazing.
2. I have so much more energy now than I did when I was eating animal products.
Whether you want to admit it or not, those burgers are slowing you down. Eat some plants and get moving!
3. I get sick way less.
While everyone else has the sniffles, I'm feelin' fine. (Side note: vegans are 80 percent less likely to get food poisoning than meat eaters. That fact doesn't sound helpful until you're seeing your friends puke up dining hall food)
4. I just love answering the same four questions.
"Where do you get your protein?" Human children. "Why are you vegan?" No idea. "Do you ever just want to eat chicken nuggets?" Yup, hand over that fried pink slime. "So you think you're better than us?" See GIF above.
5. I know too much.
Between "Forks Over Knives," "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead," "Cowspiracy," and, most devastating of all, "Earthlings," it's too late now. Knowing the environmental impacts as well as the suffering that the meat and dairy industry causes are just too much. You can't just un-know that baby cows are stolen from their mothers so that you can have a grilled cheese.
Overall, the main reason I'm still vegan is because it makes me happy. I like knowing that I am doing my best to reduce suffering and to help with the health of the planet. While veganism gets a bad rep from most meat eaters, it's incredibly rewarding both internally and externally. Yeah, it's not perfect, but at least we're trying.