Moving halfway across the country for my undergraduate education was a bold choice for me to make, but one I will never regret, for all the people and experiences it has granted me. Los Angeles, California is vastly different than Omaha, Nebraska, but it is also similar in many ways. Regardless, both cities will continue to have a special place in my heart, for different reasons. Make no mistakes, my fellow Californians, the Midwest is a fantastic place to move for college, and Omaha is no exception. You will probably fall in love with it just like I did.
1. Almost everyone you meet will want to talk to you.
Whereas in most places in California, strangers avert their eyes if they meet on the sidewalk, most people in Omaha will smile and say a friendly 'Hello!'. If they get a chance, they might strike up a conversation. While some people may not like this, I absolutely love it. It makes settling into a new city much easier, and it's just generally kind and thoughtful!
2. The Old Market is a great hangout spot.
The Old Market in Omaha is a charming spot with many original buildings that now house restaurants, boutiques, antique shops, pubs, and my personal favorite, Ted and Wally's Ice Cream Parlor. There are often a few horses around, pulling carriages typically with couples or families in them. Old Market is often dressed up for the holidays, too, making the bright winter lights cheer you even when it's 13 degrees outside.
3. Everything you could ever need is right down Dodge Street.
Ventura Boulevard is to Los Angeles as Dodge Street is to Omaha. Especially as a college student, this makes life so much easier. Fast food, Target, off-campus housing, Midtown, Old Market, and the freeways are all easily accessible down Dodge Street. Omaha is, for the most part, an easy commuting city.
4. With Iowa, Missouri, South Dakota, and Kansas close to the Omaha border, you have good options for fall or spring break trips.
It's already likely that your friends are from the Midwest, so their homes will be relatively close to Omaha, and I've known many a group gone on fall or spring break trips to any of these states to visit. I went on a trip to Kansas City, a six hour round trip in one day, but worth it to see a popular Midwest city. I never really thought to drive to another state just because until coming to Omaha simply because it was more easily done there, and so perhaps my fascination with it is a little uncommon. I still think it's pretty neat!
5. You will meet great people from all over the Midwest.
Since Omaha is a popular Midwest city, there will be a lot of visitors from around the area. If you're attending school there, many of the people will likely be from all over the country. You will get a variety of fantastic perspectives on just about everything, and learn about a lot of different areas quickly and succinctly in one place. California is definitely a different environment than the rest of the country (for better or for worse), and Omaha gives a good perspective on the rest of the Midwest.
Whether you're looking to visit or move to Omaha, I would definitely recommend it! I would also stock up on winter coats now - 50 degrees is not a real winter, people. I remember distinctly being glad it was 20 degrees in December during my first Omaha winter because generally it had been hovering around 10 degrees. Regardless, it's worth a visit, and to me, it's my second home.