5 Movies You Need to See This Holiday Break | The Odyssey Online
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5 Movies You Need to See This Holiday Break

Because nothing is better than Jennifer Lawrence, Ryan Gosling and popcorn...

5 Movies You Need to See This Holiday Break

With the holiday break coming up and the extended period of time when us college students are sitting at home doing nothing, I have a proposition for you: go to the movies. With the awards season swiftly approaching and all of the best movies entering a theatre near you, engrossing yourself in the movies is one of the most relaxing, rewarding and inspiring pastimes that you can take part in. To help you get started on your month-long movie marathon, here are 5 movies that are beautifully done, getting awards buzz and complete with some of the best actors in the business.


David O. Russell is at it again with "Joy." Inspired by home-shopping mogul Joy Mangano, Russell takes a different approach with his latest flick. Starring Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper and Robert D. Niro, the film captures and examines the inner corners of a woman’s soul and is the biggest project for Russell thus far. Lawrence has already received a Golden Globe nomination for her role and the film received a Best Picture for Comedy nomination as well. Coming out Christmas Day, this is a must see movie.


You need to see this film. Telling the story Joy “Ma” Newsome and her son Jack, the pair are held captive in a small room by a man she calls Old Nick. The story highlights their experience, escape and what happens after. "Room" is beautiful and Brie Larson is a star. With several Golden Globe nominations and Oscar awards expected, this movie is spectacular, and one that will leave you with a remarkably changed perspective.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

One of the most highly anticipated films of the year. Get your light sabers ready because your favorite characters are back. With Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia and a whole new cast, the seventh installment is expected to break box office records with over $1 billion in profits. Released on Dec. 18, take the whole family to relive one of the most iconic franchises and return to the Star Wars universe you know and love.

The Big Short

Four people: Steve Carell, Christian Bale, Ryan Gosling and Brad Pitt. Do you need anything more? Playing four investors who were able to profit from the 2008 recession by betting against the housing market, these actors are true professionals and are able to capture the story with great wit and make the film a triumph. In theatres beginning Dec. 11, you not only get to bask in the beauty of Gosling, but also enjoy this Golden Globe nominated masterpiece as well.


Probably one of the most buzzed about films this Oscar’s season, "Carol" is Cate Blanchett at her best. Paired with the great Rooney Mara, the two star as lovers in the 1950s. This romantic drama touches on groundbreaking material and was greeted with a standing ovation at the Cannes Film Festival. Now with Golden Globe nominations for Best Picture, Best Director and Best Actress for both Blanchett and Mara, this film is contending to be one of this season’s best and should be at the top of your list to see in theatres.

So grab a friend, buy some popcorn and prepare to not only enjoy, but also be in awe of these fantastic movies this holiday break. With all that downtime, why not go to the movies and get lost in these fantastic stories? Trust me, you won’t regret it and come awards season, you can enjoy more than the beautiful red carpet gowns.

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