Everybody goes through tough times. As a follower of Christianity, we often turn to prayer, and to God, in order to help us through. After going to mass last weekend, I realized there's another just as powerful source. The hymns that were sung fit perfectly with what has been going on in this world and gave me the clarity I needed. Hymns can be an immensely powerful tool in helping you overcome any adversity. With terror attacks continuing to occur, here are some hymns to help you understand difficult times and to come out on top.
1. Give Me Ears To Listen
When you are struggling to understand what is going on, turning to God through these beautiful lyrics will surely help you through. As the chorus goes, "Give me ears to listen/give me eyes to see/give me words to speak and show your face to me," you are asking for understanding of a terrible situation.
2. Go Make a Difference
The title of this hymn speaks for itself. By turning to this hymn, God is telling you that not only can you make a difference but that you should go out and work to make that difference every day. Every single line in this hymn is perfect for encouraging you to reach out, but a lesser known one that sticks out is " We are the hands of Christ, reaching out to those in need/ The face of God for all to see/ We are the spirit of hope, we are the voice of peace."
3. This Little Light of Mine
This hymn tells us that we all have a light inside of us and we cannot let the terrible people in the world burn it out. As the song suggests, let your light shine. "This little light of mine/ I'm gonna let it shine." If we all can do that, this world would be so much better.
4. On Eagle's Wings
This hymn reminds us all that God will raise us up. He will bring us higher than we can reach alone. No matter what, if we have faith in Him, He will hold us in His hand and guide us through anything. Turning to this hymn means that we are ready for God to raise us up over the sadness, the hate and the devastation.
5. Starts with Me
A contemporary song that proves to all of us exactly what we need to do. When we are struggling and feel like we just can't go on, this song reminds us that if we look to God we will be OK again. However, it starts with us reaching out. God will be there when we are ready.
Many people turn to music when they are struggling. Many others turn to God. Why not use both as an extremely powerful way to say, "I am strong, and I will conquer." In times where the Catholic religion is questioned, it is important to stand strong in our faith and use it as a rock to strengthen us.