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5 Conspiracy Theories That Just Might Be True

These aren't your average Facebook conspiracies.

5 Conspiracy Theories That Just Might Be True

If you're like me, you've spent a lot of time browsing the Internet and reading up on conspiracy theories. While many of them are outlandish and cringe worthy, there are definitely a few hidden gems that seem to make sense. Read on if you want to hear more...

1. The Assassination Of JFK


JFK was a beloved president, that much is undeniable. With his untimely death comes a slew of conspiracies. There are actually multiple theories concerning the assassination of the president, but one of the major themes throughout these theories is the idea that the US government was involved. Just before his assassination, the former president had announced his interest in being briefed on the "unknowns" of the government; particularly alien life. Days later, he was assassinated. Coincidence?

2. Aliens


Recently, the government has released their files on UFOs. While this doesn't explicitly imply the existence of aliens, it's a big stepping stone for those who believe. A popular theory is that the US government has been hiding the existence of extraterrestrial life in one of their high security bases, Area 51. Of course, this theory has spawned many more ideas as to where, what, and why the information is being hidden. The truth is, we many never know... but if even the government doesn't know who was flying those ships, then who could they have been?

3. The Illuminati


I'll admit, this one is a bit of a joke. The Illuminati were a secret society back in the 18th century that attempted to give the American public secret knowledge and eliminate religious interference in government. Many people theorize that the secret society is still around today, and some think the secret society may even have a sinister agenda. In fact, some popular theories pin pop stars as Illuminati members. Popular "Illuminati Celebrities" include Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Jay Z, Eminem, and many others.

4. The Kennedy Curse


Throughout history, the Kennedy family has suffered many tragedies. In fact, tragedy has struck this family so often that many conspiracy theorists believe the family to be cursed. The Kennedys have been plagued with alarming amounts of deaths, illnesses, and many other misfortunes throughout the years. The family's "curse" can even be traced to before the assassination of JFK. After some research, this one doesn't seem too far-fetched.

5. The Moon Landing


Most of us have heard someone jokingly say "the moon landing was faked". Whether you believe this theory or not, it is well known and has a bit of credit. It is believed by many conspiracy theorists that the televised moon landing of 1969 was actually filmed in a studio with the help of movie director Stanley Kubrick. Some of the supposed evidence for this theory include the American flag moving as if there were wind on the moon (which there is not), the reflection of a stage light on the astronaut's helmet, and a large rock that looks as if it has been written on. Some even say that Kubrick subtly apologized to his fans for faking the event by putting a character in an Apollo 11 sweater in his film "The Shining".

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