44 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Going Into College
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44 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Going Into College

The first few days are rough on everyone, trust me.

44 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Going Into College
US News

College is an entirely new experience. You’re off on your own for the first time with unlimited freedom. Some of you going into your freshman year may already have had a taste of college through parties, friends already in college, or what have you. If you’re like me though, college is a completely new world and one you’re left to navigate by yourself. Here are XX things I wish someone told me going into my freshman year:

1. Only buy used textbooks

Not only does it save large amounts of money, but if you’re lucky the previous owner will have taken notes or highlighted key information in the text.

2. Ratemyprofessors.com is a freakin' Godsend

Having a good professor can change EVERYTHING in a course. Let’s be honest, no one wants a professor who gives homework every night, a quiz every Monday morning, doesn’t curve, and won’t be willing to help you. Using ratemyprofessors.com can help you determine whose seat to fight for and whose class you should avoid.

3. You don’t have to have classes everyday

This isn’t high school. If your major permits and your school has them, you can schedule all your classes for Monday/Wednesday and Tuesday/Thursday, leaving you to have a whole Friday with no classes.

4. You're going to lose some high school friends

It’s okay. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a bad person, or they’re a bad person, it just means you’re growing up. You’ll be amazed at how difficult it is to stay in touch with old friends while you start your new life.

5. Parking services is not your friend

I didn’t even bring a car to campus and I still know this to be a fact. It doesn’t matter what school you go to, you can’t trust them.

6. Not every person you meet is going to have good intentions

It’s a fact of life, a sucky one, but a fact nonetheless. Not everyone has your best interest at heart. Make sure you look after you.

7. Take care of yourself

I mean this. College is a difficult time. You’re starting a new life, having to make all new friends, learn your way around a new environment, figure out who you can depend on… it’s a lot. Make sure you’re taking care of you. Sometimes we all need to curl up in bed with a bowl of chicken noodle soup and your favorite Netflix series, it’s okay.

8. Try new things

You never know where it might take you. I met my best friends from doing things I never thought I would. I even took my shirt off on live television (I painted up for a football game, you can stop freaking out Mom).

9. Putting your life in danger isn’t cool. Ever.

I’m not a drinker, I don’t care if you are, but putting your life at risk is downright stupid. Do not get behind the wheel of a car drunk. Do not get into a car with someone behind the wheel who is drunk. Do not allow yourself to be hazed. This goes past the alcohol aspect of college too - in general, just don’t be stupid.

10. Get into a schedule

College is a weird time. One day you may have all classes done before noon, the next your day doesn’t even start until 3 pm. Get into a schedule. Make a habit of going to bed and getting up at a regular time. Try to have a set study period. If you can’t go a day without running, try to run at the same time every day.

11. It's possible to get through college without pulling an all-nighter.

Don’t neglect sleep. From an economics major with a minor taking 18 credit hours every semester, graduating early, working two jobs, participating in a club, AND maintaining a social life - I have never pulled an all nighter - not once. It’s possible. Going without sleep can do much more harm than good. Make sure you’re getting your shut eye in.

12. Don’t bring every article of clothing you own

My roommate and I both did this and guess what we both wore every week? The same five shirts.

13. The first few days are rough on everyone

Sometimes the first few months are rough altogether. It’s okay, it’s normal. You’re trying to figure out where your classes are, you’re away from the comfort (and privacy) of your room back home, you don’t know who to text to grab lunch yet - it all comes with due time.

14. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself

Pressure is good to some extent, but please remember - you’re only a freshman. You don’t need to know your major, you don’t have to have your lifeplan figured out, you don’t even need to know where all the good places to eat are yet. You just need to focus on being yourself and doing the best you can do.

15. Take an 8:00 am class

Everyone will say don’t do it. I say go for it. It teaches you discipline and it serves as a right of passage - everyone needs to be able to say that they survived an 8 am.

16. Call your mom when you get a second

This is new to her too. Her baby is off in a new place away from her. She doesn’t get to greet you everyday when you come home from school anymore. Find the time to call her and keep her updated.

17. Find your worth

I see so many students who don’t know their value yet. Find out what you bring to the table and don’t settle for any less.

18. It’s okay to change your mind

Whether that be on your crush, your wardrobe, your major, your dream job, or even just want you want for dinner - it’s okay to change your mind.

19. Don’t try and please everyone

Worry about you. Make you happy. You will never be able to make everyone happy, someone will always be there to criticize you. So do what you want and make yourself happy for a change.

20. This is your time to be selfish

You don’t have a spouse, a mortgage, kids, or any of that. This is your time to be selfish and do what you want, take advantage of that. If you want to pack up and go to the beach for a weekend, do it.

21. Thank you goes along way

Say thanks every chance you get. Your professors spend hours planning out lessons and assignments, thank them. The cafeteria workers’ jobs aren’t easy, thank them. It took a lot for your parents to get you to where you are, thank them.

22. If it won’t matter in 5 years, forget about it in 5 minutes

Trust me, it’s not worth the anger, sadness, anxiety - just leave it in the past.

23. “He who says he can and he who says he can’t are both usually right.”

It’s true. If you don’t think you can do something, you probably can’t. But if you simply think you can, if you go at something with all your power - it’s possible. Have a little faith in yourself, it’ll take you a long way.

24. Do not go into a class with the mindset of "I'm going to fail"

If you think you’ll fail, you’re already halfway there. Even if the course has the highest failure rate at your school and everyone complains about how difficult it is, if you have the right mindset you can do anything.

25. Stay in once in awhile

You don’t have to go to every party. We all need a night once in awhile where we stay to ourselves and binge on Netflix.

26. Go out once in awhile

As much as it’s important to stay in for a night, it’s also important to go out. Don’t spend every night in your dorm texting your friends from back home. Go out, meet new people, try new things, and make some memories.

27. You’re not entitled to a whole lot in this world, but you are entitled to your right to say NO.

You’re allowed to say no. If something makes you uncomfortable, say no. If you really don’t want to go out one night, say no. If someone is trying to make you do something you don’t want to, say no (if they persist, get up and leave and/or seek help if you need it).

28. Stand up for yourself

Learn how to do it now, it will save you lots of trouble down the road.

29. Ask for what you want

If you don’t ask, you will never get it.

30. Learn soft skills

If you can’t carry on a casual conversation with the person next to you in the elevator about the weather, you’re in for a rude awakening. These soft skills may not be necessary now, but once you start interviewing you’ll see how crucial they are. Learn them now and improve them every chance you get.

31. Make mistakes

Make as many as you can. Fail. Fall down. But always get back up. Failure is how we learn.

32. But not the mistakes that can ruin your life

Most mistakes are acceptable and truthfully healthy to your growth and development. But there is a finite amount of mistakes that if you make, your life can be ruined.

33. Sex is not a big deal

Not everyone is having it. Not everyone is a virgin. Some people have casual hook ups on the daily, some people remain celibate, some people are in serious relationships. Do what you want, it’s not a big deal. Be comfortable with your choices but most importantly, be smart about them.

34. Invest in a good pair of shoes

You’ll be walking a lot.

35. Invest in a good mattress topper and some pillows

You’ll want to sleep a lot and the dorm beds as-is are incredibly uncomfortable.

36. I don’t care what anyone says, rape culture is alive

As horrible as it is and as sad as I am that I even have to write this, rape culture is real. It shouldn’t be this way and I pray that it will be better by the time my children head off to school, but be careful when you go out. Look out for your friends. Never leave your drink unattended - not even for a second, not even with a friend. Guys, it can happen to you too. If you see something suspicious, don’t be afraid to intervene. It’s better safe than sorry.

37. Be open to new views

During college you are going to meet people from so many different backgrounds. Acknowledge that. It’s okay if you sit next to a pro-choice person when you’ve grown up pro-life your whole life. It’s okay to learn about different religions. Appreciate new opinions and perspectives of the world.

38. Hug your dog every chance you get

I knew so many people who went off to school and their family dog passed away while they were there. It’s tragic, but make sure to hug your furry best friend whenever you can.

39. Never underestimate the power of eating a comfort meal in your PJs

It can do wonders for your happiness. Even when you have had the worst possible day, there’s something so magical about being able to come home, curl up in your bed, and eat your favorite foods.

40. Make your bed

I know, it sounds stupid. But a few years ago I heard the greatest piece of advice I received to this day and that is to make your bed. At the end of the day, you will have something to come home to. Even if your day goes horribly wrong and it feels as though you can’t do anything right, you’ll be able to come home at the end of the day and lay down in something you did.

41. Buy a tiny umbrella, keep in your book bag at all times

In college, you walk from class to class. You never know when a rainstorm is going to hit. It could be sunny as can be when you wake up and half way through your class it starts pouring. Nothing sucks more than having to sit through another lecture soaking wet.

42. Two things are always right–your gut and your mama

Trust these two things. If something doesn’t feel right, it’s probably not. If your mama says something, she’s probably right.

43. Be prepared to defend your major and school

It doesn’t have to make sense to anyone else, just you. People, friends, family, relatives will be there to make snarky comments about your choice of major and school, be ready to defend yourself.

44. It goes by faster than you could ever imagine

One day you’re moving all your stuff into a tiny 10x15 box and playing awkward ice breakers. The next day you’re packing it all up to move out and saying “see you in the fall” to your new best friends. Enjoy every second of your college days, they go by quickly.

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