Four years ago, who would have thought I would have ditched my vans for some nice Sperrys. It is kind of stereotypical of me, right? In my mind it is kind of really crazy. I used to dress pretty..well, not at all like I do today. You can catch me with a nice Ralph Polo tee and some Insignia style shorts. When I first came to college I had an iPhone 4s. I know you're reading this and thinking, wow this kid's phone is so whack. Seriously, who has an iPhone 4s anymore? Well at the time that was only one phone below the iPhone 5 that had just come out. Now I carry around an iPhone 6 and that's already kind of out of date. I really need to step up my phone game. Come to think of it even the free iPad I received from Saint Leo freshman year is really out of date as well. Technology has really changed since I first walked up the stairs of Marmion. In all honesty so has Saint Leo. When I came here, my freshman class was one of the biggest ever. Now we have so many incoming freshman that we have nowhere to house most of them.
Looking back at it I never would have thought I would be graduating a semester early (even though it was supposed to be a year early, sorry mom). Everything is always about looking towards the future when you come to college. If you are not looking towards it then you are probably spinning your wheels. I felt like that at one point during these last four years. Probably during a gruesome finals week or when my grades were not up to my standards. Maybe even with the friendships I had and what I was doing within my own organization. It is crazy to think that now during the summer before my second semester of senior year I am able to look back on it. It is kind of a blur with how fast everything has gone. I am not in that little cramped dorm room having a fan blown on me at night with a roommate sleeping literally two feet away from me. I am also not in the quad of apartment five where you could literally hear what your roommate was doing while you were blasting music. Now, I am on my own cooking and cleaning in my own off campus apartment. Honestly, where has the time gone?
Four years ago I was not worried about my LSAT score. Nor was I worried about where I was going to be going to law school for the three years after I graduated. I was really more worried about how I was going to wake up for my 8 a.m. class and what we would be doing later on that day. The main question I have to ask myself is did I do everything I wanted to? Yeah, mostly I guess. I accomplished a lot these four years I made a lot of friends, maybe a few enemies, great memories, became apart of something that changed my life, and most of all I became me. Saint Leo has a motto that says, "You are going to love the person you become here." Well guys, I hate to say it, but I think I do love the person you become here. It is also not about the college having the motto. Saint Leo did not make me the person I am. I made myself who I am and that is the most important part.
Sorry, I got a little deep on you guys. I just feel as if this is an important topic and a thought to think about among ourselves. Whether you are a freshman or a senior. It really doesn't matter what year you are in all honesty. Just look back and think about what has changed over the past year, or semester. Was it good or was it bad? What challenges have you overcome and what mistakes have made you stronger? This is all food for thought. Maybe you too, after thinking about this, can come to the conclusion that you love who you have become.