When we first started packing for college, we checked everywhere for lists: Pinterest, Google, Facebook, etc. We tried to be prepared for every situation possible, even though we knew we wouldn't need everything. As August got closer, we packed up our entire room, and got prepared to fit it all in a tiny dorm room. Finally, moving day arrived! We packed our parents' vehicles to the absolute max, and headed to our future home. However, nine months later, when it's time to leave school for the summer, we realize how much unnecessary stuff we had in our dorm. Whether you are packing for your freshman year of college or are a returning student, there are multiple things you don't need to bring.
1. Your entire wardrobe.
While you may have tons of cute clothes, you aren't going to wear all of them. You may think that you will, but you won't. Most students start out dressing up for classes every day, but we all get lazy. Classes are hard, mornings are a struggle, and a lot of us don't have extra effort. So before you unload your entire closet, be realistic. Do you really need to bring your senior prom dress? The answer is simple: no.
2. Every piece of music that you own.
If you're like me, you love music. However, you don't need to bring all your CDs, records or cassettes. As long as you have a computer or a smart phone, you have almost every song at your fingertips. You can listen to music all you want, but you really don't need all of it in your dorm. It will only take up space that you could use for something else.
3. Every stuffed animal that you've ever owned in your entire life.
While they may be soft, cuddly and cute, you don't need to bring all the stuffed animals from your life. They can sit at home and take up space there. When you come to college, you don't want to share your bed. Sleep is limited and very valuable. We don't want to lose our beds to those cute stuffed elephants. Let them have your bed at home, while you enjoy the one at school.
4. Your XBox360, PlayStation 4, Wii, etc.
I love video games as much as the next gamer, but you won't have time to play all of them. You need to focus on your homework, not beating a creeper in Minecraft. I'm not saying that you won't have free time, you will. But let's be honest, there's never enough time to play your favorite video game. It may seem sad to go without all of the games you love, but they aren't a necessity, they're a want.
When you get ready for college, be prepared. Have the items that you will need, several outfits and some movies, but don't pack up your entire room from home. There are things that you will need in college, but there are also things that you won't need. Remember, college dorms are tiny. You can't fit everything in them. However, it helps you realize how much stuff you have that you don't use. Maybe when you go home for the summer, you'll decide to get rid of all the stuff that you don't need. Who knows?