4 Adjustments You Can Make To Significantly Boost Your Motivation
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4 Adjustments You Can Make To Significantly Boost Your Motivation

Although simple, they also make quite a world of difference!

4 Adjustments You Can Make To Significantly Boost Your Motivation
Jonas Svidras

Recently, I've been delving deeper and deeper into my LSAT study book. The unfortunate fact of the matter is that, although I know why I'm doing it and where it's going to take me, I sometimes become so unmotivated that I don't want to do anything (and I literally mean ANYTHING).

I don't know what causes it, this significant loss of motivation. I just know that I absolutely HATE myself whenever I experience it. Fortunately, however, I've managed to make several adjustments that have helped to rekindle my motivation, even when it's at its lowest of points.

Despite their simplicity, I can promise you that these adjustments will make quite the amount of difference (even on the days when your motivation reaches an all-time LOW). Check them out below!

1. Make the wallpaper and background of your phone an eye-catching list of your goals and outlooks on life

Above is a perfect example of what I'm talking about! This was actually the exact same wallpaper and background that I had on my phone a few days ago (it has now been replaced by a breathtaking bird's-eye view of my first-choice law school, West Virginia University)!

Notice how I chose to incorporate my name and life goals, as well as my personal outlook on life, some words of empowerment, one of my favorite colors, and, of course, some of the happiest emojis I could find. What makes this wallpaper even better is that it's the very first sight that catches my eye as soon as I decide to access my phone. BOOM! Instant motivation!

P.S. The app that I used to create this wallpaper is called "Background Maker" by Alvaro Garcia Ojea.

2. Instantly write down and refer to any motivational life lessons given to you by your family and friends

This is so what they say doesn't just remain inspirational in the moment, but for as long as you'd like it to be. Honestly, you'd be pretty shocked to find out that I have a total of 34 notes on my phone, many of which contain an amusingly large number of inspirational and motivational life lessons given to me by my family and friends.

3. Whenever you experience a significant loss of motivation, think about the negatives that it will bring with it if you allow it to overpower you

This is basically just a way for you to weigh out the pros and cons of being motivated versus not being motivated. It's also probably the most effective and fast-acting method for regaining your motivation out of all of the ones mentioned in this list.

4. Watch other people leading the lives that you also hope to live one day

Seeing as I hope to attend law school for the purpose of becoming a family attorney in the future, I LOVE watching YouTube videos of students who are already in law school and leading the same lives that I also hope to live one day. It doesn't have to stop there, however. You can also look up videos that pertain to other aspects of your life that you want to improve on and prosper in.

Although they are all very simple, these adjustments have made such a significant amount of difference in my life ever since I chose to implement them. If you found this article as helpful as I had hoped you would, then please don't hesitate to share it with anyone whom you know is in need of just a little bit of encouragement.

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