1. DON’T: Be on each other all the time- I don’t know why it ever became acceptable for people to rub one another in public, but I’m not ok with it and I think most people would agree with my PDA standards. Please do not make us all get up from our booth or table at the restaurant just so you two can sit next to one another. It’s a little ridiculous to re-arrange the entire room so you two can whisper passionate nothings into one another’s ear.
DO: Show affection every now and then- I think most people are ok with watching a girlfriend sit on her boyfriend’s lap and I think hand holding is tolerable to even the extremely bitter single folks. Just be aware of your company and who’s going to get offended by what.
- 2. DON’T: Be with each other all the time- Jenny can’t go shopping, Jenny can’t go to the movie, Jenny can’t make dinner. Why is Jenny so friggin busy? Does she have a huge project coming up? No, she’s snuggled up with her boo busy being the president of his fraternity groupie club. I miss Jenny even though she is a fictional character, and your friends miss you too. When you’re with them you shouldn’t be texting him/her and you should be with your friends as often as possible. You have forever to settle down and marry someone who you will literally spend every night with (gross), but you can only do ladies night at JL’s so many times.
DO: have date nights every now and then- At least once a week or every two weeks you should make time to have alone time together. We all get caught up in college, but it’s important, especially when you’ve been dating a while, not to get too comfortable. Its also important to make sure you are continuously trying to learn new things about one another.
3. DON’T: Social Media your relationship- Every time I see posts about how much you love each other, I’m actually convinced you don’t. Most people that are really secure in their relationships like to keep it private, and they don’t feel the need to tweet “3 week anniversary babe <3 #loveyoulong time.” Your man crush Monday should not be your boyfriend every week. That is reserved for Channing Tatum and you know it. The more you post, the more everyone thinks you two are annoying and overly attached. Back off and save the Facebook posts for important life events, like how well you did at the end of the semester. Jk this isn’t acceptable either.
DO: Tell each other how you feel- “Conceal, don’t feel,” is a Frozen quote, not an acceptable attitude for relationships! If you’re feeling like saying, "I think you’re cuter than a bag of puppies, I want to roll you up in a little ball and put you in my pocket and walk around with you forever,” then you should be able to! Good relationships are about open and honest communication everyone knows that, so stop communicating with your Iphone and start communicating with your main man/lady. Just please do it in a non-annoying fashion…please.