It's getting to that point in the term where there are only a few short weeks left. Just four or five more weeks and then you're free on break. However, these next few weeks are going to be packed with assignments, exams, practices, games, shows, work -- the list goes on and on. As a fan of "Game of Thrones," both the books and the show, I was as excited as anyone to see that HBO debuted the trailer for the much anticipated season six, set to air on April 24. Not only does that work out pretty well as a reward for making it through the term, but it also made me realize there are several moments in "Game of Thrones" (throughout the whole thing, not just the season six preview) that fairly accurately describe the second half of the semester.
You think back to the beginning of the semester when it was still pretty cold (though sadly without this much snow).
Thinking back to this also reminds you of how much confidence and optimism you had at the beginning when you were sure nothing would go wrong.
Now the weather may be a lot warmer (bonus) but you feel as though you've walked right into the path of the Sand Snakes.
The workload is piling up and you have to stay up unbearably late to finish it all.
You could pull an all-nighter, but those start to add up and then you drive everyone around you crazy, especially when they claim you are tired.
Luckily, you always have that group of people to give you advice when everything feels like it's falling apart (though their advice may not be the best; you'll have to evaluate for yourself).
Any form of peer editing -- or a teacher editing -- will probably be tedious.
At least you can envision this if someone is really ticking you off.
After a lot of studying and work, you'll reflect and think...
No matter how stressed you may get, remember this: if Bran Stark can survive being pushed out of a window, you will finish your paper or study for your test. *Note, this does not in any way promote putting yourself in a position where you will be pushed out of a window.
If your class is having any kind of discussion and things start to get ugly, you can always make a dramatic exit.
Or a subtle one. Whichever is more your style.
But also remember, no class or meeting will ever be as bad as being a Stark or Stark supporter at the Red Wedding.
Soon it'll be the week before finals. No matter what your professors are actually saying, you'll feel like they're saying...
Then you'll take the exams, and it may be brutal, but you'll come out reasonably unscathed.
And then you're on break! Think of all the adventures that lie ahead.
Whatever you do, don't think that, at the end of break, a brand new term will start. However, when that realization inevitably hits, you'll have one of two reactions.
Or this.
I hope you're ready for the next few weeks. The end of the term is coming.