27 Lessons That We Learned From 'Game of Thrones' | The Odyssey Online
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27 Lessons That We Learned From 'Game of Thrones'

Let this GIF-laden listicle remind you of the good times.

27 Lessons That We Learned From 'Game of Thrones'

The sixth season of "Game of Thrones" is set to air on HBO this Sunday, April 24. The series has a cult following, and it's not hard to understand why: the show always provides fans with feel-good moments and plenty of great life lessons.

If you haven't already seen the first five seasons, I'd suggest that you try your favorite bootleg website to indulge in some light-hearted viewing.

In the meantime, let's revisit some of the most beautiful lessons we learned from the series thus far.


Unless you're the sick type of person who Googles endings during the movie, stop reading immediately.

1. Blood is truly thicker than water.

2. Weddings are always an auspicious occasion.

3. Nothing suits a woman more than motherhood.

4. Trust is the most desirable quality in a man.

5. Temperance is a virtue.

6. If a girl teases you, it means she likes you.

7. Always trust the government.

8. Boys will be boys!

9. Good things come to those who wait.

10. You can always look up to your siblings.

11. Nothing can extinguish the flames between lovers.

12. Winter is the most wonderful time of the year.

13. It's important to have goals.

14. Always marry up.


15. Age is but a number.

16. ... Age is still just a number...

17. A father's love is unconditional.

18. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

19. Always show your employers respect in the workplace.

...And your employees.

20. A little faith goes a long way.

21. Always travel with your pals.

22. There's no such thing as the friend-zone.

23. It's possible to have great programming without obscenities.

24. There is great value in a well-timed joke.

25. Secrets don't make friends.

26. You can count on your favorite characters to return season after season.

27. We can always rely on this guy to deliver happy stories in a timely fashion.

I can't wait to gather around the television and watch the latest season with my 70-year old grandmother this Sunday after church. No matter what new lessons are in store, I'm ready to avoid all social media until my version buffers.

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