Here are 25 telltale signs you are a full-fledged University of Maryland Terp.
1. You believe dining points should strictly be spent on buffalo chicken wraps.
2. You have pulled at least two all-nighters in McKeldin.
3. You have witnessed, almost witnessed, or participated in, a fight at Ratsie's.
4. Ratsie's or Shanghai is your go-to spot after a night out at the bars.
5. You abide by the unwritten rule that Ratsie's and Shanghai should never be eaten sober.
6. You have taken the campus shuttle from the stop by the math building to Stamp at least once. Or every day last semester.
7. You leave every football game at the end of the first half.
8. You expect classes to be cancelled after half an inch of snowfall.
9. You tell your relatives how much you love Maryland's campus because it's just a Metro ride away from D.C., but make the trip to the nation's capital once a semester, if that.
10. Swimming in the mall fountain, sneaking in Byrd Stadium and having sex in the stacks at McKeldin are all on, or have already been crossed off, your bucket list.
11. You'll always have an undying love for President Loh even though you don't really know anything about him.
12. You have been issued a $75 parking ticket from DOTS.
13. You're not sure whether you hate DOTS or Duke more.
14. But, you really hate Duke.
15. And DOTS.
16. Your closet is full of clothes suitable for all weather, regardless of the current season, because you've experienced a snow day in April and a 75 degree day in December.
17. A Route 1 McDonald's employee has rolled his or her eyes at you at 2 a.m. on a Saturday morning for being too drunk and not knowing what to order.
18. You can't turn any corner in a campus building without seeing a poster advocating sustainability.
19. You know the struggle of walking to south campus after an intense workout at Eppley.
20. And the struggle of always waiting in a line extending out the door at the Route 1 Chipotle.
21. You have no idea who Adele H. Stamp was or what she contributed to the school, but you appreciate her anyway.
22. You look forward to finals week to see the crazy sacrifices to Testudo. Never forget the Great Fire of December 2013.
23. Your phone's photo library consists of at least one picture of McKeldin Mall taken from an "artsy" angle.
24. You feel weirdly guilty and slightly ashamed after passing a Testudo statue and not rubbing his nose.
25. Every year, you complain about how Maryland's school year starts two or three weeks later than every other school and ends two or three weeks later.
26. Despite the countless police alerts, unpredictable weather and 15 minute hikes to class, you proudly call the University of Maryland your home.