Some days just don't go your way. Whether you tripped down the steps and scraped your knee, only got three hours of sleep because you were studying for a physics exam that you still in all likelihood failed miserably, or got broken up with and fired all in a two hour time span, whenever you are down you need something that will brighten up your day. We don't always know the best method, however, to make ourselves feel better so we usually end up curled up in our pajamas with a gallon of ice cream and a box of tissues. While that is definitely an option, here is my list of other, relatively uncommon but entirely effective, tactics to turn your frown upside down.
1. Eat cheese fondue. With bread.
Or chocolate fondue with strawberries. As long as something is in fondue format you really can't go wrong.
2. Watch a 3D movie.
Better yet, make a 3D movie. Don't ask me how, that's part of the fun.
3. Listen to Avril Lavigne's album Let Go.
So angsty yet so good.
4. Blast music and dance around your kitchen in your underwear.
This one works best when no one else is home. There's no sense in alarming your roommates.
5. While doing this, make chocolate chip pancakes on your stove top with a 80/20 ration of chocolate to pancake batter.
The more chocolate chips the better, that's my motto.
6. Play four square.
Wall ball, hopscotch or red rover will also work. Essentially, any game you played during elementary school recess.
7. Go rollerblading.
Wear these outfits whilst doing so.
8. Pick some wildflowers.
Or dandelions in order to blow off all the seeds.
9. Make a bear at Build a Bear workshop.
But if they have a Minion option you should build a Minion instead.
10. Channel your emotions into art by painting a masterpiece or writing sonnets.
Don't be too hard on yourself if it's not a masterpiece. Not everyone can be Picasso.
11. Vacuum your house.
Your roommates would be a huge advocate for this option.
12. Choreograph a dance to a hip hop song from the 90s.
Anything before or after the 1990s, however, is completely unacceptable.
13. Force your friends to learn the choreography and film it for blackmail purposes.
Unless it's good, in which case you should send it in to Dancing With The Stars.
14. Watch a horror film.
If you don't like scary movies, a Goosebumps movie will do the trick.
15. Read all seven Harry Potter books.
And then proceed to watch all eight Harry Potter movies.
16. Scrapbook.
And remember, the more glitter you use, the better.
17. Ride a scooter down a huge hill.
If you are not a seasoned scooterer (scooterist?), be sure to wear a helmet for safety purposes.
18. Pack a picnic basket full of grapes, cheese, bread and wine and have a picnic in a park.
Make sure to dress up as if you are living in the Victorian Era.
19. Have a home photo shoot, complete with fans and lighting and outfit changes.
Make sure none of the pictures ever see the light of day.
20. Throw darts at balloons full of paint.
I have dreamed about doing this ever since I first saw The Princess Diaries.
21. Make a flower crown and wear it to your younger sibling's sixth-grade band concert.
Pretend you are at Coachella during the whole concert.
22. Remix your favorite song.
Upload the result of this endeavor to SoundCloud.
23. Do a cartwheel.
Be sure to stretch a bit before this. You don't want to strain a muscle.
24. Draw on your driveway with chalk.
Strive to fill up the whole driveway.