We Catholic school kids are a kind of our own. We spent our childhood together, went through puberty together, and received our sacraments together. With so many years amongst one another we have created bonds to last a lifetime. Some of those bonds are held together by sharing in things that are unique to our religious upbringing. Naturally, Catholic schooling engrained countless lessons of shame and guilt into our brains. Here is a reminder of all the things we can relate to and are all guilty of doing:
1. Accidentally eating meat on a Lenten Friday.
2. Falling asleep at mass.
3. Forgetting how to pray the rosary.
4. Rolling your skirt.
5. Going to the bathroom during mass because you're bored.
6. Getting jealous of the girl that got to be Mary in the Christmas play.
7. Getting jealous of the girl that was May Queen.
8. Being thankful for mass days because they make class periods shorter.
9. Secretly loving the ease of having a uniform.
10. Secretly loving those sketchers.
11. Hating when your mom makes you hug the priest after mass.
12. Being a little grossed out by the holy water that everyone has dipped their fingers in.
13. Knowing all your friends' Lenten promises.
14. Eating their Lenten promise right in front of them.
15. Knowing what school someone goes to just by looking at which plaid they're wearing.
16. The overwhelming feeling of freedom that is finally being able to wear nail polish in high school.
17. Being self-conscious of the ashes on your forehead.
18. Feeling like a boss when your public school friends complain about the FCAT.
19. Immediately losing that feeling when you remember ITBS.
20. Hoping you sit next to your crush for the Our Father.
21. Hoping you sit next to your crush for the Sign of Peace.
22. Refusing to learn the new Apostle's Creed because it was hard enough to learn the first time.
23. Tucking in your shirt when administration walks by.
24. Untucking your shirt as soon as administration is gone.
25. And finally, getting all those mass songs stuck in your head.
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