On Wednesday, August 17, 2016, I prepared for the concert of a lifetime. One that I never thought I would have the opportunity of attending. As I prepared myself for the evening to come, my stomach fluttered with butterflies. I was going to see my "One And Only" favorite artist, ten time Grammy winner, Adele.
I bought the ticket with little second thought. The seat was in the nosebleeds, but who cares? I was going to be in the same building as her.
I showered, curled my hair in big waves, put on long nails with dark nail polish, applied the perfect amount of winged eyeliner, threw on some false lashes and a black dress and I was set. This was going to be the night of my life. I nearly ran to the car and couldn't hesitate to speed just a little bit towards the Talking Stick Resort Arena in Phoenix, AZ.
As I approached the arena I wondered if I had beat the traffic. I found a great parking spot. Got out as a family across from me was doing the same.
"Hi! Are you going to the concert!?!"
I beamed with pride wearing an ear to ear smile and my flawless outfit.
And then the words that never crossed my mind were said by the mother:
"You know she cancelled, right?"
This is where we begin on my emotional roller coaster of the night:
1. Confused
"I'm sorry? What was that?"
"She put it on Twitter! She's sick!"
2. Panicked
No this isn't real life. Stop.
3. Angry
How could she cancel!?!?! Who does she think she is? IT'S A SOLD OUT SHOW.
4. Anxious
5. Concerned
6. Depressed
That's it. Goodbye cruel world.
7. Empty
What's the point of anything? Why did I ever think this would happen?
8. Useless
There's nothing I can do. She's cancelled.
9. Fragile
I approached the arena. There were signs:
10. Defensive
I read the sign and walked over to the security guard stand near the entrance.
"Where am I supposed to be watching for updates?"
"Well, if you're a 'true fan' you'll watch her Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook."
*Excuse me? "TRUE FAN"? WHAT DO I LOOK LIKE TO YOU? I could be her body double? #dramaticmuch
11. Heartbroken
He doesn't understand. I'll never see her. And now I have to wait even longer if I do.
12. Sullen
When is the rescheduled concert going to happen, IF it does?
13. Detached
I called my best friend and my mom. But I still sobbed.
14. Obsessed
I am obsessed with her. I know. But we are literally the same person so I have the right. (We have the same birthday. And a multitude of other similarities.)
15. Distant
Just leave me alone to cry in my $10 parking spot.
16. Unresponsive
Texts and Snapchats gathered in my notifications as I just sat in my self-pity.
17. Hungry
I decided I was all done up and these false lashes couldn't go to waste, so I took myself out to dinner. #spaghettisolvesallmyproblems
18. Lonely
I sat in the restaurant, at a table for one, listening to the table across from me talk about the amazing concert she was able to do last night. I wanted to throw my garlic bread at them but it was too delicious.
19. Misunderstood
Of course there can't be anyone else in this sold out show that is as heartbroken as me. #diva
20. Nervous
When will she say the rescheduled show is!?!
21. Exhausted
Now it's nearly midnight. Time to sleep. This day can go away now.
22. Stressed
I can't sleep of course.
23. Hopeful
I awakened at 7:30a.m. the next day. I have Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook notifications and emails to sort through. All with the same message.
24. Shocked
NO WAY. NOVEMBER 21. I shuffle to my planner: I'M FREE.
25. Extreme Joy
Through pain and suffering came joy. And even though I now have to wait nearly three extra months, I get to see the amazing ADELE, live, in concert, before my two eyes.
There will be tears.