A week ago America celebrated it’s 240th birthday, and since then I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting. What makes America great right now, and how far have we come? In my musings, I put together a list of 24 wonderful things that the world has America to be thankful for. Whether it be funny, serious, or somewhere in between, at the end of the day there are a lot of reasons that we love America, and for that we are thankful.
1. Disney
Thanks to Walt Disney, our eyes have been graced with the likes of Peter Pan, Cinderella, Rapunzel, Elsa and Anna, and all of our Disney prince crushes. Walt has received 22 Academy Awards and has won more individual Oscar’s than anyone else. Most importantly, several of his films are included in the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress (Mickey Mouse, "Pinocchio," "Mary Poppins," "Beauty and the Beast," and more).
2. Steve Harvey
Need I say more? Host, comedian, producer, writer, and award winner, Steve Harvey has graced our lives with some of the most hilarious TV moments and mic drop advice. Harvey also has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. America loves you, Steve.
3. "America's Got Talent"
As I write this, "America’s Got Talent" plays in the background. This TV phenomenon showcases amazing American talent (and funny American fails). From singers to acrobats, we’ve seen it all. The tears of both joy and heartache are unstoppable, and it’s re-becoming an American staple this season.
4. Music
Who else can’t help but get up and throw their arms in the air when YMCA, the Cupid Shuffle, or the Cha Cha Slide comes within hearing distance? Aside from the cheesy American dances, America is also the birthplace of soul, rock and roll, rap, and more. African Americans sung their way through hardship and graced our ears with the music of the Harlem Renaissance and Southern Gospel. Also, Beyonce (see number 22).
5. Blue Jeans
Jeans are a need not a want for basically every human on the planet, and they were first created by Jacob W. Davis and Levi Strauss in 1871. Blue jeans are synonymous with American made and the culture of the Old West. You’re welcome, world.
6. Food
Burgers, hotdogs, corn dogs, Chick-fil-A, ribs, and a bunch of other deliciously unhealthy foods are included in the Business Insider’s list of 25 Most American Foods Of All Time (http://www.businessinsider.com/the-25-most-american-foods-of-all-time-2013-7?op=1). Who could survive without the occasional extreme grease-fest that is American beauty?
7. Regional Accents
From Southern drawls to Jersey English, we love our variety of voices. Whether it’s “ya’ll” or “you all,” we can’t get enough of our funny regional neighbor’s accents.
8. World War Champions
If you include the Cold War (which you should), we are 3-0 in all major world conflicts, and we freed ourselves from the most powerful government in the world before we were even an official country. It wasn’t without some loss, and we aren’t perfect, but we have a pretty great track record of kicking butt when we need to.
9. The Election Process
Despite the worries that cloud over this otherwise interesting election, 2016 has been a rollercoaster ride of craziness. Trump and Clinton could make millions if they banded together and made a reality show.
10. Natural Landmarks
America the Beautiful is a fitting name given all of our awe inspiring sights. We have the Grand Canyon, Rocky Mountains, Yosemite National Park, Redwood forests, the gulf coast, and more. No need to go to Europe or Asia until you’ve taken a road trip through our great United States.
11. Major Cities
New York, Hollywood, LA, Las Vegas, Atlanta, New Orleans, and more are all a part of our wonderful USA. Our cities are the hotbeds of innovation and excitement, and people come from all over the world to experience them.
12. Freedom
If America has one thing, that thing is freedom. We experience some of the most freedom in the world; we can search whatever we want on the internet and we can post damning opinion articles concerning our government. This fabulous country’s freedom even sparked other countries to strive for the same thing. After the American Revolution took place, the French and then Haitian revolutions took place because of the US.
13. Tailgating
Football (see number 20) is an all American thing, and with football seasons comes tailgating. Before any great game there is a great tailgating party, with grilled food, chips, and snacks galore. It’s not a proper Friday night without a tailgate, whether that be in an actual truck or the back of a minivan.
14. GIFs
GIFs! Somehow there is a GIF for every single thing you could think of. We love GIFs, and where did they come from? Columbus, Ohio, in the United States. A company called CompuServe created the first GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) in 1987. What would we do without them?
15. Amazon
Amazon is also American made, and we all know we could not survive without Amazon. It’s headquarters is our very own Seattle, Washington, and it is the largest internet-based retailer in the world. For us book junkies, Amazon is our heaven, however it can sell you just about anything you could want.
16. Trader Joe's
Trader Joe’s is a wonderful experience, allowing us access to some not-so common grocery items, and although it is owned currently by a German family, it was born and bred in the USA. This specialty grocery store is based in Monrovia, California, but thankfully there is one right close to home in Athens that gives us food and entertainment when we’re bored after class (and when we’re procrastinating studying).
17. State Fairs
Funnel cakes, vomit-inducing rides, romantic roller-coasters, and corn dogs color our experiences with the state fair. I've made it a mission to go to the North Georgia State Fair as many years in a row as I can, and so far I'm at three and counting. Whether it's the people watching or the food you're there for, who can resist?
18. Starbucks
Need I say more?
19. Krispy Kreme
There isn't a feeling quite like seeing that hot sign glowing through the window of the glorious establishment that is Krispy Kreme. Whether you splurge on one donut or a dozen, we all require that sugary, melt in your mouth experience every so often. I can hear my stomach rumbling already.
20. Football
Football season, Friday night lights, and Saturday Bulldog games. Whether it’s high school, college, or professional football, for most Americans (especially Southerners) it isn’t a good fall weekend without at least one football game.
21. Chewbacca Lady
When Candace Payne took to the internet with her laughing Chewbacca mask, we all felt true happiness. Thank you, American woman, for filling our hearts with joy.
22. Beyonce
Queen Bey is an unexplainable phenomenon, and what would America be without her? She is a symbol for black, female power, she has amazing music, and she is drop dead gorgeous. Yes, America made that, too. Long live the queen!
23. Netflix
Netflix is an American company that gives movies to the entire world. Boston native Reed Hastings brought Netflix into our lives 18 years ago, and we are forever indebted. Where would the world be without “Netflix and Chill” and the procrastination excuses?
24. Captain America
Captain America is a beautiful man, and he is literally America. God bless.