1. When you and your roommate finally make it to the upperclassmen dorms and don't know what to do with all the extra space.
2. When you can't remember the last time you weren't hungry...
3. ...and seem to have developed a questionable diet.
4. When you make sure to have leftovers in your fridge for the next time you have munchies/drunchies, only to find *someone* has eaten ALL YOUR FOOD.
5. When you see nothing wrong with your lifestyle.
6. When you hang out with that one neighbor who's always high...
7. ...but you know you can count on them to contribute insightful comments to your conversation.
8. When you're finally learning about subjects you are interested in...
In highschool:
In college:
9. ...but sometimes get stuck in a small discussion class where you actually have to say words and form sentences that sound intelligent.
10. When your brain can't function properly due to the amount of hours you've just spent studying.
11. When you learn the valuable lesson that grades aren't the most important thing in life.
12. When you know you should be going out and meeting new people but instead decide to stick with Netflix for the night.
13. When your roommates judge you for the shows you enjoy.
14. When you notice all your friends seem to be getting into relationships and you're just like...
15. ...and you become attracted to people you never noticed before.
16. You've warmed up to the idea of dating, but you've yet to figure out how to behave in public.
17. So you decide that you'll just try the whole keeping it casual thing...
18. ...but fail because college hookup culture is just really confusing to you.
19. When you learn that not everyone in life will appreciate you, no matter how great you might be.
20. When bouncers question you:
21. When you are sick of your schools nightlife so you and your friends try new ways to entertain yourselves.