Last week, I had my last significant birthday for a while: 21. Yay, I'm a real adult now who can buy cheap bottles of wine and get one of those driver's licenses with the landscape orientation. It's been over two long decades of learning, growing, and changing. In honor of my 21st birthday, here are some things life has taught me:
1. It's not about how many friends you have.
It's about how many friends you have that you can truly trust with anything.
2. Being honest is the best thing you can do as a human.
It's so easy to just tell the truth - plus, it always comes out anyway.
3. Everyone glamorizes their life on social media.
No one has it together 24/7 and we all know that's just the Valencia filter.
4. Partying isn't the best part of life.
It may seem like getting lit in the club is the best time ever, but there's so much more to life.
5. It doesn't matter what people think of you.
To quote Dr. Seuss, "Those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter."
6. Friendship is temporary, family is permanent.
SPEND TIME WITH YOUR FAMILY. Even if you think they're lame, they are the only people who will never give up on you.
7. Your siblings look up to you like you're Beyoncé.
They seriously hang on every word and action, so make sure you're a worthy role model.
8. Learning different languages is truly valuable.
Other cultures are important too and knowing other languages makes you more marketable in your career and it helps when you travel.
9. You don't have to have life all figured out, you just have to give it 100%.
No one knows what's going on. Just take it one day at a time and do the best you can.
10. Chick-fil-a is a gift from God.
Need I say more? Eat it happily, eat it often.
11. Your happiness should come first.
It's great to want to help others, but don't destroy your own happiness to do so.
12. Not everyone has the same heart as you.
The world isn't always a nice place and people can be mean. Don't let that change the fact that you're amazing.
13. Boys are stupid and annoying, but when you find the right one that doesn't matter.
The love of your life makes "annoying" a pro instead of a con.
14. Having lots of things doesn't make you an amazing person.
It's great to have expensive and nice things, but that doesn't make you a better person. Remember that how you act is what makes you who you are.
15. Being nice to someone can change their life.
Some people just need a compliment or a smile. Be kind to everyone you meet because it can turn everything around from them.
16. School sucks, but you will survive.
When it's 3 a.m. and you're cramming while having an emotional breakdown, giving up sounds good. Don't. I know you can do it.
17. Leggings are pants if you want them to be.
Honestly, leggings are the most comfortable thing ever so don't let anyone tell you that they aren't pants.
18. Nothing is ever guaranteed.
Anything can change at any given moment. Be grateful always.
19. Respecting others is the best way to be successful.
Connections are how you make it big, so don't burn bridges even if you HATE your job. Always end on a good note so you can get a good recommendation.
20. You don't have to have any talent to show up on time and work hard.
Being punctual and dedicated are something anyone can do, and that's how you become trusted and rewarded.
21. The best part of life is sharing it with the people you love.
Life is worth nothing if you can't share it with family and friends.