So, since some of us need a pick-me-up in 2017, let's remind ourselves why 2016 wasn't as terrible as we pretend it was.
1. Music was pretty sweet.
I found myself jamming to more on the radio last year more than anything. Also, the mannequin challenge was pretty exciting- @WroxtonClassofFall2016. If you weren't participating in the Mannequin challenge during a holiday with your awkward family, what were you doing?
2. According to research, bullying went down by 7% in public schools.
As someone who's going to be a teacher, this is amazing. Teachers and faculty at schools are deterring people more and more from bullying others. Kids are finding ways to finally respect each other, and it should hopefully only go up from here.
3. Leonardo DiCaprio finally won an Oscar.
I mean I'm not into wrestling bears, but so be it. You have to admit you've been waiting for this Leo moment since forever, and it finally happened in 2016.
4. Apparently, we made it to Jupiter.
That's pretty sweet.
5. Michael Phelps was back in the Olympics in Rio and killed it.
6. Giant Pandas are no longer on the endangered species list!!!!!!
This one is my favorite. Pandas are literally the cutest thing on the planet, and now there's more of them on Earth!
I like to think I'm a positive person, although I come off as pessimistic sometimes. I researched for a while to gather people's opinions of 2016, and although most people just poo-pooed it, I think these things are pretty sweet even if they may seem minuscule. If something positive happened to you in 2016, comment below!