Almost everyone loves poppin' tags at thrift stores, like Goodwill. The experience is kind of like hunting for old, used, cheap treasures. Sometimes, you may leave with a cute, vintage-looking flannel and a few festive Christmas mugs with small chips on the handles. Other times, you may leave with nothing, but sheer disappointment because you were sure you would find something you didn't really need, but just had to get. We may disagree on politics and what to eat for dinner, but we can all agree on these 20 thoughts everyone has while shopping at Goodwill.
1. Smells like feet and a musky, old linen closet.
2. Where is the Target rack?
I might need this for spirit week or something one day.
4. I just have to have one of these Christmas sweaters!
5. Why would anyone ever give this away?
6. These shoes don't look or smell too bad... plus, they would go with this oversized sweater I just found.
7. I wonder if this stain (or smell) will come out in the wash? Oh well, it is only $6.
8. I NEED this.
9. This is so cute! I bet no one would ever believe I found it at Goodwill!
10. Aww, I used to have this VHS tape! I wonder if it actually is mine? I will have to ask my mom what she did with it...
11. What on earth is that?
12. Okay, do NOT put your hands near your face until you wash them. Do NOT.
13. Oh I just have to get this for *insert name*! She/he is going to have a fit over it!
14. I think my mom/dad used to wear something like this. I can totally bring this look back!
15. I don't think the owner of this mug even bothered to wash it before they brought it in.
16. Will I get lice if I try this on?
17. This looks just like something I saw in a window at the mall! *checks tag* Oh heck yes, I have to get this!
18. This record/CD isn't scratched too bad. Plus, it's only $1...
19. "Your total today is $___!"
WOAH, I AM SUCH A SMART AND MATURE SPENDER! They should put me on one of those TLC shows!