OC, Oldham, Oldham County, whatever you call it. The place no one wants to leave but everyone comes back to. Everyone knows everyone. It has its perks though and some things you wouldn't change for the world. It's a place you never imagined you would miss. No matter what, once you live here it becomes your home. Here are some tall tell signs you're from the original OC.
1. Oh, you're from Oldham north or south? Oldham...
2. Gustavo's is your go-to restaurant
3. Walsh Park (North Oldham Little League) is where you grew up playing ball
4. You’ve lived there all of your life or at least majority of it
5. You go to Walmart for something to do
6. At Walmart you will see at least three people that you know… especially when you really don’t want to see anyone
7. Graduation is the longest thing you will ever have to sit through
8. Project graduation is where we all come together
9. You didn’t want to buy a parking pass for the junior lot let alone any lot
10. You most likely cross played sports
11. The YMCA was your go-to
12. You’ve been to Rupp arena for a high school basketball game at least once… because let's be honest, Oldham kicks ass at Ball
13. Your sports coach was most likely your teacher too
14. You’ve been to the Ironman Triathlon or sat in traffic for it
15. Light up Lagrange: the only time you will wait an hour to take a picture with Santa
16. Oldham County day: everyone and their mother is there
17. You miss Oldham 8 and Champs Roller Dome
18. You had some of the greatest teachers in the world
19. Some of your greatest memories were created here
20. It will always be home no matter where you go