Despite the fact that I will be 21 in just a few short months, I feel as though I truly am turning 90 in my near future. Sometimes I even find myself wondering how I ended up in this generation because a lot of what goes on within our culture and the things that 20 year olds get enjoyment out of today truly puzzle me. I like to enjoy the simple things in life that make me feel cozy and at home, always. So, I’ve come up with a list of things that are at the top of my list when it comes to things I love. If you can relate to some or all of these, there’s a pretty good chance that you’re actually an elder at heart, too.
1. You love to wear robes
Let’s face it, you’re probably wearing one right now if you read the title and thought “yeah, that’s me.” There’s no shame in this! Robes are one of the best things to ever be made.
2. A night in with a cup of hot tea and a book sounds more appealing than going out to a party
Yeah, parties are great and all, but what’s even better is curling up with your favorite book and drinking a nice hot cup of tea (preferably Sleepy Time Peach) and watching your favorite Netflix show (Gilmore Girls).
3. Heating pads are your best friend
Seriously, these things are great for a whole slew of reasons. Please tell me what sounds better than curling up under the covers with a cup of tea (see above point) and a nice heating pad—nothing.
4. Going to the grocery store is actually something you look forward to
Honestly, shopping at Whole Foods, Fresh Market, and Aldi’s is one of my favorite past times. Between the music they play at Fresh Market to the amazing free coffee samples, it truly doesn’t get much better.
5. You are basically the epitome of a “delicate flower”
Alright, so maybe this one is just me, but I hurt myself no matter where I am. Whether it be accidentally running into a wall or tripping over my own two feet, I’m basically an accident waiting to happen despite the fact that I am a healthy 20 year old and not actually 85.
6. You think afghans are one of the best things to ever be made
If you have ever owned an afghan you know exactly why these things are incredible—super warm, comfy, AND homemade. Fun fact: I loved my homemade afghans so much from home that I actually took one with me to my new apartment.
7. On most nights, you can barely keep your eyes open past 11
This one is actually starting to concern me because 11 p.m. is slowly getting earlier and earlier as I get older. Most nights I’m lucky if I can hold a conversation and keep my eyes open past 10:30.
8. You have more than one pair of slippers
Again, maybe this one is just me, but I own at least 10 pairs of slippers. Why you may ask? I honestly couldn’t tell you. At this point I feel like I’ve become a collector of slippers.
9. You put your pajamas on at 8 o’clock and sometimes even earlier
One of the first things I do when I get home is put comfy clothes on after a long day. However, if the time is pushing 7 p.m. I may just put my pjs on because let’s face it, I don’t have too many more hours left in the day before I’m in bed anyway.
10. You sometimes enjoy spending time with people your parents age rather than people your own age
Don’t get me wrong, I love all of my 20-something friends, but sometimes I just really like to talk to my elders. Such as striking up a conversation with a group of 80 year olds at Barnes and Noble (true story) or talking to the lady in front of me at one of my beloved grocery stores. They’re really all just fascinating.