Oh, literature class. Maybe you slept through it or mindlessly scrolled through Facebook. Maybe you skipped it every day. Or maybe you listened to your professor’s synopsis or analysis of symbols and characters. Maybe you understood the story line or the main concept. Maybe you read Sparknotes or skimmed over what your quizzes were on, but these are 19 life lessons that you probably missed only found deep within their words and pages.
1. A Tale of Two Cities
Sometimes, it’s the people who no one thinks anything of that will make the biggest difference in your life.
2. The Catcher in the Rye
You can't save everyone. And you have to forgive yourself for that.
3. Great Expectations
Revenge and bitterness will destroy you.
4. Wuthering Heights
Our choices haunt the world long after we're gone.
5. As I Lay Dying
You can't rely on other people to tell you the truth. You have to find it for yourself.
6. Hamlet
Death is uncertain. But so is life.
7. The Outsiders
Children are not exempt from the world's prejudice, pain and cruelties.
8. The Great Gatsby
You have to move on.
9. The Road
The destination doesn't change you, the journey does.
10. The Picture of Dorian Gray
True ugliness can only be found on the inside.
11. Their Eyes Were Watching God
There are different seasons of life. Some are joyful and warm and some are cruel and cold.
12. Leaves of Grass
You are more than the world gives you credit for.
13. Heart of Darkness
Sometimes, people will disguise the most immense darkness as the light. Don't be deceived by it.
14. The Count of Monte Cristo
You can't run away from who you are.
15. Howl
No one is ever alone. Not the high school dropouts or the drug addicts. And definitely not you.
16. To Kill A Mockingbird
People are afraid of what they don't understand. Be better than that.
17. The Sun Also Rises
You should never underestimate the selfishness of other people. You can't be blind to the real world.
18. Dracula
The darkness may give you power and strength. But it takes away much more.
19. The Scarlet Letter
Religion isn't always the path to righteousness. Sometimes you find the light within your own soul.