18 Slang "Words" That Shouldn't Be A Thing | The Odyssey Online
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18 Slang "Words" That Shouldn't Be A Thing

Dey using dat slang doe.

18 Slang "Words" That Shouldn't Be A Thing

Carly has spent many summers working with children at a camp and I have spent a few myself. She is also working on getting her master's in education which means she spends a lot of time in classrooms. We've heard a lot of slang through out the years and in the recent months that have just blown our minds. Here's a list of the most cringe-worthy offenders.

18. Swerve

Swerve basically means avoid/to avoid. It is commonly used when someone says something and you don't want to do it.

17. Can't even

This means "can't deal" or "can't handle." It's also really good to use when you want to sound like a 12 year old girl.

16. Fam

Fam is an obnoxious abbreviation for family. Saying words with more than one syllable is apparently just too hard.

15. Slay

Slay means to do something really well or to greatly impress. I prefered it when it was used in fairy tales talking about dragons.

14. Hella

Taylor, was it really that important that your song rhymed that you couldn't say really? Hella stands for really or very.

13. Ratchet

Intended to be classy but turns out trashy. A ratchet is a tool, people, and we are human beings-- not tools.

12. Salty

A synonym for sassy or upset. We are not food and we cannot be salty.

11. On fleek

Stop trying to make fleek happen. It's not going to happen. When did saying cool become uncool? And how hard is it to just say looking good?

10. Bae

"My boyfriend is bae!" Bae stands for "before all else." Disgusting.


I like YODO better. You only die once.

8. Doe

Apparently we are all Homer Simpson. It is an abbreviation of though.

7. Dey

Just say they people. It is not that hard.

6. Dat

An abbreviation of that. Is proper English no longer a thing?

5. TFW

That feeling when what?

4. OTP

One true pairing so basically two people who are meant to be together. Cute but silly.

3. Triggered

Since when did we need a term for angry? Just say anger people, it's not that hard!

2. Thot - that hoe over there

1. Extra

The word that inspired this whole list. Not sure how long it's been around but apparently it is used in place of too much.

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