17 Times "Parks And Recreation" Understood Just How Unmotivated You Are | The Odyssey Online
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17 Times "Parks And Recreation" Understood Just How Unmotivated You Are

Leslie Knope would be ashamed.

17 Times "Parks And Recreation" Understood Just How Unmotivated You Are
ABC's Parks and Recreation

Leslie Knope is the epitome of motivation. You always root for her and her team when you’re watching "Parks and Recreation." But most of the time, when you’re watching it on Netflix, it’s because you’re hiding from all your responsibilities. The struggle is real my friends and the only thing the "Parks and Rec" gang does better than work is avoiding work.

1. In college, you learn the most important lesson there is to know:

2. You have never had a more cynical outlook on life until you're overwhelmed with all the work you can't bring yourself to do.

3. Assignments, papers and projects come at you all at once. And it's just...no.

4. In class, you hear the professor talk, but all you can think about is sleep.

5. You are completely unprepared when the professor calls on you randomly.

6. And you've become an expert at reaching the minimum word count with putting as little effort in as possible.

7. You should do your homework on a Thursday night, but you realize there are more important things.

8. And why do homework on a Sunday when there's probably a "Law and Order" marathon on somewhere?

9. There is also the internal struggle of wanting to get in shape, but having zero motivation to eat healthy.

10. Or exercise.

11. Seriously, who enjoys running?

12. Finally, you do your work after you've waited until the last possible minute.

13. You'll try to put a positive spin on the matter to make it seem like everything's OK.

14. But it's not OK. It's far from OK.

15. Who says giving up isn't an option. At this point, it feels like the only option.

16. *Cue the emotional breakdown*

17. But if you somehow got a passing grade in a class where you were left clueless and guessed all the answers, don't question it. Just let it happen.

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