16 Signs You Grew Up In Southlake, Texas | The Odyssey Online
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16 Signs You Grew Up In Southlake, Texas

Go dragons, always.

16 Signs You Grew Up In Southlake, Texas
D Magazine

Southlake, Texas. Pretty much the best city in all of the land, and you're definitely proud to call it home. There are some who have moved to Southlake in recent years, but for those of us who have been around for awhile, we can attest to some huge changes in the city, as well as some long, long traditions. If you've grown up in Southlake, you understand all of these points:

1. Building of the medians.

Creating a median on all of 1709 took forever. We still don't really understand why we have to have to them, but at least it adds a few trees into the landscape. And then, U-turns became a part of your daily life.

2. And the football stadium construction.

For us tweens, it was heartbreaking seeing your hangout spot taken up by more seating. There are a lot of memories in those grass areas of the football stadium.

3. Spirit Shop.

Every Friday, Spirit Shop was the most exciting thing during your younger years. You practically begged your parents for $5 every Friday to buy a new keychain.

4. Homecoming Mums.

You remember thinking all the high schoolers were so old when you saw them at the Homecoming games, and you also remember the mums getting bigger every single year. No one really understands the tradition, but you probably still have one hanging up on your wall.

5. Building of the "new part" of Town Square.

The second addition of town square added a whole new world of opportunities and a whole new hangout spot for middle schoolers on Friday and Saturday nights. Here, our Buckle, Nestle Toll House, and Snuffer's obsession thrived.

6. Town Square July 4s.

Every single one of your July 4s was spent at Town Square, staring up at the fireworks in such awe.

7. Milwaukee Joe's.

Your ice cream place of choice was for sure Milwaukee Joe's. Superman or cotton candy?

8. The Public Library.

Whether you wanted to or not, you took part in the reading competitions over summer at the public library. Hanging your name up on the wall was the most exciting part!


Having your PALS come and play games with you every other week was the most exciting thing. You cheered for them every football game, and you felt like you were best friends with a celebrity.

10. Field Day.

Field Day was the highlight of every year in elementary school. You picked your best friend as your partner and then tried to beat them in every single event.

11. Elementary and middle school rivalries.

All coming from different elementary and middle schools, you were never slow to support your own past school. (Go Carroll Elementary, go Carroll Middle.)

12. The Dodges.

Todd and Riley were a really big deal if you grew up in Southlake, and you sure were proud of them. May we one day have a state championship streak that long again!

13. Both Cowboys Stadiums.

You went to the old Cowboys Stadium before it was torn down, and when it was, you felt like you were losing a whole bunch of childhood memories from playoff football games. However, they were quickly replaced by memories from the new AT&T Stadium, which eventually lost its glamour and became something of the norm.

14. Painted parking spots.

You remember when the senior high school started painting their parking spots, and you remember when every other high school around started doing it, too.

15. Book Parade.

Choosing a book for the entire year and dressing up as the characters to walk around a park was entirely normal. Really.

16. Bleached hair.

Some may think that seeing a ton of boys with bleached hair is quite strange, but for us, it's quite normal.

Go Dragons, and Protect the Tradition!

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