5. Take one second videos each day. | The Odyssey Online
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One week until senior year of college begins. 9 more months to do all those things you've been meaning to do since freshman year. Two more semesters to make the most of. Let's do this.

1. Have a quote wall of all the dumb, funny, absurd things you and your roomies say.

I did this freshman year with my roommate and STILL get a kick out of reading it. The memories always come flooding back.

2. Keep a board of corks from all your girls' nights.

#winenight #facemasks #corkart

3. Road trip.

Get off campus and get lost.

4. Go to a concert or music festival.

These are always the easiest memories for me to look back on and pinpoint how I was feeling at a certain point. We LOVE a good concert. Bonus points if it's country because country concerts undeniably have the best crowds.

5. Take one second videos each day.

I have always wanted to try this and obviously remembering every moment of senior year is worth it.

6. Get to every single football/basketball game.

Make it past the tailgate! You got this!

7. Take advantage of your student discount.

The expiration date is uh ... quickly ... approaching.

8. Make new friends.

Grab a drink with that interesting person you've never gotten a chance to know.

9. Join a random club you're interested in (but may have been embarrassed to join early on!).

Meet people who have similar interests to you.

10. Keep a journal and add just a sentence each day.

You'll be able to look back on each day with a clearer view and highlight all the best moments.

11. Take polaroids.

Those pics are the cutest.

12. Put together a momento of your favorite college memories.

Scrap booking is actually a grueling process, but it's worth it, right?

13. Go on a bar crawl.

No need to explain.

14. Go on a frat house crawl.

Ha ha ha.

15. Revisit the freshman dining hall.

Maybe there's not good food, but let me remind you you once loved to hate that place.

16. Don't be too sappy and make the most of every moment!

You'll be done before you know it! Seriously. Stop crying.

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