It's almost New Year's, and you know what that means--an endless stream of resolutions that pretty much no one will actually achieve. Most tend to revolve around losing weight, eating healthier, etc. but college students have bigger ambitions than that. Once winter break is over, it's time to go back to school and start a new semester (or continue Winter Quarter if you're like me). Here are some resolutions that will help you ace 2016.
1. Don't binge watch Netflix all the time.
You meant to watch one episode of "Grey's Anatomy"...what happened? Netflix happened. Maybe try to find another hobby besides binge watching every day. Every now and then is okay, but all the time is pushing it.
2. Actually finish a Pinterest project.
If you have numerous boards filled with projects you've never even started, this is for you.
3. Look inside your textbook.
Who knows. You might actually learn something in college!
4. Don't wear sweat pants every day.
Six times a week is totally fine though.
5. Learn how to speak cat.
It could pay off one day when cats have taken over the world.
6. Don't have a mental breakdown during finals week.
It will be OK. Maybe.
7. Figure out a way to make Ramen stop tasting like
You've had Ramen five times this week, and you want to eat something else. The problem is that you can't afford anything else.
8. Keep your room clean.
It's easy to be a slob especially when your parents aren't hounding you to keep everything clean. Keeping everything clean can also help you pretend that you have your life together.
9. Learn how to adult.
It's time to learn just what bills and taxes are and how to pay them.
10. Get a job.
More money equals more food, and we all know that's more important than anything else.
11. Come up with some really good excuses for when you miss class.
It's not always easy to get out of bed. Have a set of excuses ready for your professor for those days when you just can't.
12. Get up on the first alarm.
This is for the people who, like me, have seven alarms set for each morning.
13. Actually go to class.
You don't have to pay attention. Just be there.
14. Go to the gym.
You don't have to do anything. Just, you know, walk inside.
15. Make someone laugh.
Whether that be with a funny joke in your GroupMe or someone laughing at you because you fell down the stairs...It doesn't really matter so long as they laugh.
16. Sneak an animal into your dorm, apartment, house, whatever.
It's against the rules, and you'll probably get in trouble. Sometimes, though, you just miss your little fluffy monster.