As a third year college student, it's hard to believe you're passing the halfway point of the most life changing part of your life thus far. There's many things that are constantly running through your mind as you're getting closer and closer to the real working adult world. You and your friends probably like to keep reality at a distance at this point and keep things light hearted when talking about the future... It's just easier to stay in denial sometimes.
1. “Oh my gosh how am I old enough to be taking 300 and 400 level classes? This must be a joke.”
2. “Pet Peeve #18395: ‘What are you going to do once you’re out of school?’”…”What do you mean? There’s life after college?”
3. “I really want a job that will make me financially stable... I don't think I can take being broke for much longer”
4. “Graduation? Yeah no, that’s way too far ahead to think about.”
5. “Okay that picture from freshman year explains how much I’ve changed in two years.”
6. “No, I don’t want to finish school. That means I have to start paying back my loans.”
7. “Wait… is it too late to change my major?”
8. “Mom, how do I adult?”
9. “Hold on… why is everyone getting engaged?!”
10. “Yes, okay I finally am excited about some of my classes.”
11. “Does internship really mean fetching coffee?”
12. “What is this thing called a resume and why does it define me?”
13. “Wait, how am I supposed to adult when I don’t even have enough money for my groceries next week?”
14. “What do you mean I’m halfway through? Can’t I stay here forever?”
15. “I’m so excited to never do homework or study ever again.”