15 Thoughts College Students Have During Finals Week
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15 Thoughts College Students Have During Finals Week

"Is it going to be cumulative?"

15 Thoughts College Students Have During Finals Week

It’s that dreaded time of year again, you know exactly what I’m talking about if you’re a college student. The worst ‘F’ word of all followed by the most average ‘W’ word of all; ‘Finals Week.’ Yup, I said it. And yes, I did shed a tear as I typed those cringe-worthy words. As Thanksgiving break ends, and the month of December rolls around, “Finals week” officially becomes the single topic that your world revolves around. All semester we are warned about it, yet every time it actually arrives college campus’ everywhere become the grounds for panic-stricken, stressed-out students, in preparation for their final grind before a much-needed Christmas break.

1. "I've got this. Work Hard, Play Hard."

The first thought when thinking in terms of finals week is pure optimism. You will put in the endless hours of studying, and succeed in all of your exams.

2. "Hmm, I didn't realize we went over this much information this semester."

Looking over your study guides for the first time, and realizing you have a lot more to study than you anticipated.

3. "I should've gone to that class more/ paid attention when I did show up."

Thinking back on all of the times you decided to get that extra hour of sleep instead of going to your 8:00 a.m, and realizing how much you regret your lazy decisions.

4. "It's okay. I'm going to go to the library for a few hours, eat a nutrient dinner, and get enough sleep to prep."

Trying your best to take your teachers and parents advice to take care of yourself instead of cramming all night studying.

5. *9 hours after being in the library* "Oh my God, it's already closing time?!"

Walking out of the library and realizing that it's already midnight, you've skipped dinner, and only got through half of what you needed to study. This is the exact moment that mass confusion and insanity begins to set in.

6. "I'm not pulling an all-nighter tonight, but I'll just have one cup of coffee to get through the next few chapters." *Drinks 4 more cups of coffee, decides sleep is for the weak.*

Claiming you're not going to pull an all-nighter, yet drinking coffee as if it were water to help cope with your exhaustion and stress; Inevitably meaning you're not getting any sleep tonight.

7. "Oh look the sun is rising and I'm still not 100% finished studying all the necessary chapters."

Opening your blinds to see the extremely bright sunlight that your unrested, bloodshot eyes were not prepared for.

8. "Christmas break, where are you?!"

As the crankiness from your night of no-sleep-studying sets in, you think forward to the happier times Christmas break has to offer, but wonder if it's ever going to come in your overwhelmed, stressed state of mind.

9. "I hope nobody notices I'm in the same clothes as yesterday. Wait, is everyone wearing the same thing as yesterday?"

As you walk through campus looking like a disheveled mess, you look around and take comfort in the fact that everyone else put the same amount of effort into their appearance's as you.

10. "Is this what having a panic attack feels like? Oh, and I need more coffee."

As you approach closer to your first exam, the panic and delirium set in. You realize that you're too tired to remember any of the information and begin to freak out that you wasted a whole night of sleep for no reason.

11. *Pulling yourself together as you walk into your first exam* "You were born for this."

Sitting down in the classroom minutes before the exam is supposed to be handed out, and giving yourself a pep-talk because YOU are the best (and have no other choice but to believe that).

12. *Reading the first questions on the exam* "Well I don't know that one, let me move onto the next--well nevermind, that one doesn't ring a bell either. I'll uh go back to them later."

A rush of confusion enters your brain after reading the first couple of questions, and you begin to wonder if you're in the wrong classroom.

13. *Halfway through the exam* "Maybe if I pretend to faint they'll let me re-take it. Okay, I'll start holding my breath- wait, no. You're in too deep finish strong."

There are zero boundaries when it comes to a student thinking of escape routes out of an exam room, but when you're already halfway done you just have to bite the bullet and finish what you started.

14. *Walking out of your first exam* "My brain cells and soul are depleted."

Leaving your exam feeling like a scantron just robbed all of the knowledge, energy, and hope you once had.

15. "I need a nap. Oh, wait just kidding I have four exams, three papers, two presentations, and one week to do it all."

Finals week should actually just be called "all of the assignments that your professors could have assigned you in the other four months of the semester, but decided to wait until the last week."

To all college students about to embark on the brutality of finals week, remember that you can and will get through this week from hell. Christmas break is right around the corner, so get that grande coffee and push through!

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