Our best friends are hands-down our favorite people. Ever. There’s no one we’d rather stay up all night and eat ice-cream with; no one we’d rather tell all of our secrets to; no one we’d rather insult/be insulted by in public. We’ve all got one (or a few!) and I think it’s time to pay our best pals a little tribute.
To my best friend:
1. Thank you for letting me vent and for being a shoulder to cry on
And then telling me to suck it up, have some wine, and move on.
2. Thank you for coming to the bathroom to pee with me at parties
And for constantly watching my drinks.
3. Thank you for allowing me to spill my guts out without being judged
Seriously, I know it’s hard to listen to the depths of my soul, and I know it’s even harder to keep it all a secret.
4. Thank you for encouraging my bad eating habits, but forcing my ass to go to the gym
Even though we end our gym sessions with Big Macs and milkshakes… oops.
5. Thank you for the sleepovers where we never really sleep
When we’re too busy laughing at absolutely nothing.
6. Thank you for being my biggest fan, even when I suck
It takes a true friend to clap for me, even when I know I don’t deserve it.
7. Thank you for our wine nights
Even though they never end the way we plan them.
8. Thank you for laughing at my awful jokes
And writing them down for memory’s sake.
9. Thank you for telling me when my outfit doesn’t look good
And then letting me raid your closet for a replacement.
10. Thank you for being my main source of procrastination
Because I know I should be studying but I’m too busy laughing at your Snapchats.
11. Thank you for calling out my bullsh*t
Because no one else would, and you won’t let me get away with being dumb.
12. Thank you for playing Devil’s Advocate
And making sure I know every side of the story.
13. Thank you for never lying to me
Especially when you tell me my make up isn’t fully blended.
14. Thank you for letting me be the first person you tell your good news to
Except your boyfriend, because somehow he managed to out-rank me. For now.
15. And lastly, thank you for being the sister I always wanted
Because let’s be real… having you as a sister would have been better than getting a puppy. And that says a lot.
Here’s to all the best friends out there. I know I couldn’t live life without mine, so let’s show them the appreciation they deserve. The world isn’t half bad because of people like you.